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Money, Weights, and Measures.

The coins in circulation within the colony arc exclusively British. All accounts are kept in pounds, shillings, and pence;

The standard weights and measures are British, but the following old Dutch measures are still used: — Liqiiid Measure: Leaguer = about 128 inii>oriaI gallons; half aum = 15^ imperial gallons; anker = 7^ imperial gallons. Capacity: Muid = 3 bushels.

The general surface measure is the old Amsterdam Morgen, reckoned equal to 2 "11 654 acres; 1,000 Cape lineal feet are equal to 1,033 British imperial feet.

A gent -General of Cape Colony in Great Britain. — The Hon. Sir David Tennant, K.C.M.G.

Secretary. — Spenser Brydges Todd, C.M.G.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the

Cape Colony.

1. Official Publications.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Counlries and Uritish Possessions. Imp. 4. London.

Uhif-l.iiok on Native Art'airs. Annual. Cape Town.

Tlie various Blue-books and Correspondence relating to the Cape and 8oulh Afiica {generally, published at intervals by the Home Government.

Cape ol Good Hope Statistical Register. Annual. Cajie Town.

The Cape of Good Hope Civil Service List, edited by E. P. Kilpin. Annual. Cape Town.

Ke.sults of Census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 1891. Report of Director Caj.e Town, 1892.

Colonial Otfice List. Annual. London.

Financial Statement for 1898-99. Cape Town, 1898.

Illustrated Official Handbook. History, Productions, and Resources of the Cape ot Good Hope and South Africa. By J. Noble. London and Cape Town, 1893.

Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Journal, 1699-1732* Edited by H C. V. Luibbrandt. Cape Town, 1897.

Rejiorts of the various Government Departments for 1897. Cape Town, 1898.

Statistical Abstract for the several Colonies and other Possessions of the United King- dom. Anni'al. London.

2. Non-Official Publioationb.

Argus Annual and South African Directory for 1896. Cape Town, 1895.

Brown (A. S. and G. G.), Guide to South Africa. London, 1897.

Bryci' {.}.), Impressions of South Africa. London, 1897.

Brydeh (H. A.), The Victorian Era in South Africa. London, 1897.

Campbell {C. T.j, British South Africa: A History of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, 17"Jo-l82o. London, 1897.

Chalmers (R.), A History of Currency in the British Colonies. London, 1893.

Ferryman (A. F. Mockler), Imperial Africa. Vol. III. British South Africa. London, 1898.

Fritsch (Dr. Gust), Die Eingeborenen Siid-Afrika's ethnogmphisch und anatomiscli beschrieben. 4. Breslau, 1872.

Froude (J. A.), Oceana. London, 1886.

Oreswell (W.), Our South African Empire. 2 vols. London, 1885.

Holub (Dr. Emil), Seven Years in South Africa. London, 1881.

Johnston (Sir Harry), The Colonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1899.

Keane (A. H.), Africa, Vol. II. South Africa. London, 1895.

Kinsky (Count C), The Diplomatist's Handbook for Africa. London, 1898.

MacNab (F.), On \Wt and Farm in Cape .Colony, Bechuanaland, Natal and the Trans- vaal. London, 1897.

Mackenzie (Joim), Austral Africa; Losing it or Ruling it. 2 vols. London, 1887.

Mar tineau (John), Life of Sir Bartle Frere. 2 vols. London, 1895

Xichohon (G.), Fifty Years in South Africa. London, 1898.

Noble (John), The Cape and South Africa. Cape Town, 1878.

Ortroz (F. Van), Conventions Internationales Concervant L'Afriipie. Brussels. 1898.

Rees (W. L.), Life of Sir George Grey, K.C.B. 2 vol.s. 8. London, 1893.

Beunert (Th.), Diamonds and Gold in South Africa. 8. London, 1893.

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