All island about 6 miles from the north-west coast of Borneo, in the Malayan Archipelago. Area, 30^ square miles. Population (1891), 5,853 estimated, mostly Malays from Borneo, with some Oliinese traders ; 30 Europeans in 1891. Capital, Victoria, 1,500 inhabitants.
4,004 4,559
1897 1
£ 5,570 4,912
Revenue Expenditure .
6,291 5,720
39,588 82,082
4,791 7,032
5,508 5,402
Exports 2 Imports
52,301 92,395
56,662 68,589
Tonnage, entered and cleared
1 Dollar at 2s.
Exclusive of those in native vessels.
Sago, gutta-percha, india-rubber, wax, &c., are imported from Borneo and other islands and exported to Singapore. In 1895, 44,443 tons of coal were exported. There is no trade with the United Kingdom.
Chief sources of revenue : Retail licences, also customs on spirits, wines, tobacco, &c. There is no public debt. Cables have been laid down between Hong Kong and Singapore, and one connecting the mainland. There is a telegraph line to Sandakan.
Reference : Colonial Report. Annual. London. (See also British Bornko.)
THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Constitution and Government.
The Straits Settlements, a Crown colony, which comprises Singapore, i'enang (including Province Wellesley and the Bindings), and Malacca, were transferred from the control of the Indian Government to that of the Secretary of State for the Colonies on Ai)ril 1, 1867, by an Order in Council issued under the authority of an Act of the Imperial Parliament, 29 and 30 Vict. c. 115. The Cocos Islands wore placed under the Straits Settlements by letters patent dated February 1, 1886, and Christmas Island l)y letters patent dated January 8, 1889.
The administration of the colony is in the hands of a Governor, aided by an Executive Council, composed of the general oflicer commanding the troops, the Colonial Secretary, the Resident Councillors of Penang and Malacca, the Attorney-General, the Treasurer, the Auditor-General, and the Colonial Engineer. There is also a Legislative Council,, presided over by the Governor, and composed of ten otlicial and seven unothcial members, five nominated by the Crown and two nominated by the Chambers of Commerce of Singapore and Penang, but confirmed ]»y the crown.
Governor.— lAe\xt.-Co\. Sir C, B. H. Mitchell, G. CM. G., appointed, 1893. He is also Hiqh Commissioner for the Federated States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang ; ap})ointed, 1896.
Resident-General for the Fediration of Protected States. — Sir F. Ai
Swuttenluini, K.C. M.G., api»ointed, 1896.