— 1893-94 Rx. 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 Rx. Rx. Rx. Rx. Calcutta 69,927,146 71,319,266 72,316,661 74,760,757 71,994,608 Bombay 67,999,093 63,158,708 65,799,726 60,017,367 52,063,062 Rangoon 10,799,556 10,430,908 12,303,406 11,259,087 12,346,725 Madras . 10,303,973 10,985,753 10,735,151 10,261,385 10,161,018 Karachi . 11,040,337 10,641,250 10,170,371 8,372,182 9,228,432 Tuticorin 1,755,548 2,213,631 2,084,555 1,892,875 2,185,426
Of the total imports of merchandise Rx. 57,820,879 in value came through the Suez Canal, and of the exports Rx. 57,186,788 in value went through the Suez Canal. In addition to the sea-borne trade as above, there is a considerable trans- frontier land-trade. The following table shows the value, in tens of rupees, of the land-trade (excluding treasure, the figures for which are untrustworthy), during three years ending March 31, 1898 : —
— Rx. Imports Rx. Exports Rx. Total 1896 1897 1898 4,577,300 4,794,500 5,022,500 3,769,100 4,309.800 4,078,900 8,346,400 9,104,300 9,101,400
The following table shows the value of the trade (excluding treasure), in tens of rupees, with the leading trans-frontier countries in the last three years ending March 31 : —
— Imports from Exports to 1 1896 1897 1898 1896 1897 Rx. 1898 Rx. Rx. Rx. Rx. Rx. Lus Bela 66,800 71,300 96,700 23,300 28,600 41,200 Khelat 75,800 67,100 87,100 42,700 40,800 41,400 Kandahar . 410,500 418,400 309,300 257,000 227,400 163,800 Sewestan 68,100 67,800 27,600 81,900 85,500 31,600 Kabul .... 165,000 151,500 101,500 306,200 290,200 243,000 Bajaur .... 132,900 382,900 247,900 221,200 461,500 323,000 Kashmir 636,400 722,300 769,700 640,600 635,400 560,100 Ladakh 42,200 57,200 52,700 39,400 5S,100 40,700 Tibet .... 127,200 140,500 123,100 68.300 55,400 92,600 Nepal . 1,765,300 1,489,500 1,914,200 1,272,100 1,404,700 1,401,400 Karenni 206,700 192,600 153,500 28,800 16,100 18,500 Shan States . 349,400 507,200 598,000 424,600 541,200 574,800 Zimme .... 183,000 180,800 235,600 25,600 56,900 63,100 Siam .... 81,500 39,900 86,900 31,400 .33,200 56,900 W. China . 86,900 99,600 64,400 138,100 230,200 203,500
The total value of the coasting trade in 1897-98 was Rx. 75,859,238 in imports and exports, apart from Government stores and Government treasure. Shipping and Navigation. The following table shows for five years the number and tonnage of vessels
engaged in th � foreign trade which entered and cleared at ports in British