The following table shows the revenues and expenditures of each of the Governments for the year ending March 31, 1897 : —
India Central Provinces Assam Bengal N.W. Provinces and Oudh Punjab . Madras . Bombay . In England Exchange Total .
Revemu- Rx. 17,131,376 2,178,831 5,883,624 1,322,549 20,957,055 10,165,235 8,042,650 13,563,169 14,341,982 327,107 216,163
Expenditure Rx. 22,241,456 1,768,753 4,222,271 899,538 9,794,785 6,281,637 4,874,948 9,549,378 9,967,742 15,795,836 10,438,419 95,834,763
The municipal revenues in India are derived mainly from octroi, taxes on houses, lands, vehicles, and animals, tolls, and assessed taxes. The amount of income for 1896-97 for all Indian municipalities, which bank with Govern- ment treasuries, was Rx. 3,771,840, and the expenditure was Rx. 4,166,081. The following table shows the amount for the chief administrations (in thousands of rupees) : —
Municipalities I"-ne ^rr^- Municipalities Income. 4,132 4,153 11,237 Expendi- ture Bengal Burma N. W. Provinces and Oudh 1 8,183 8,927 ' 4,157 3,853 3,986 4,836 ' Punjab Madras . Bombay . 4,449 4,341 13,151
The following table gives the established strength of the European and Native army in British India — exclusive of native
artificers and followers : —