V. Principal Towns.
There are in India 75 towns with over 50,000 inhabitants, as iollows, ac- cordinff to the results of the census of 1891 : —
Towns roiiulation Towns Poiinlation Calcutta (with Howrah . 116,606 suburbs) ^ . 861,764 Baroda . 116,420 Bombay . 821,764 Surat . 109,229 IMadras . 452,518 Karachi . 105,199 Tlaidarabad Owalior . 104,083 (with suburl)s ) 415,039 Indore . 92,329 Lui'know 273,028 Tri(,'liinopoli 90,609 IWnares . 219,467 jNIadura . 87,428 Dcllii . 192,579 Jalialpur 84,481 Maudalay 188,815 Peshiiwur 84,191 Cawupur 188,712 Mirziipur 84,130 Bangalore 180,366 Dacca 82,321 Rangoon 180,324 Gayii 80,383 Lahore . 176,854 Ambala . 79,294 Allahabdd 175,246 Faizabad 78,921 Agra 168,662 Shahjahanpur 78,522 Patna 165,192 Farukluibad 78,032 Poona (with Kanijmr . 76,733 sul>url is) 161,390 Multan . 74,562 Jaipur . 158,905 Mysore . 74,048 Ahniaddlxld . 148,412 Rawal Pindi 73,795 Amritsar 136,766 Darbhangali 73,561 Bareilly . 121,039 ]\Ioradabad 72,921 Meenit . 119,390 Bhopal . 70,338 Sriuagar . 118,960 Bhagalpur 69,106 Nagpur . 117,014 Ajniere . 68,843
Towns Bliartpur Salem Jalandhar Calicut . Goraklipnr Saharanpur Shola[)ur Jodhi)ur . Aligarh . Muttra . Bellary . Negapatam Haidaraliad Bhaunagar Chapra . Monghyr Bikanir . Patiala . ]\Iaulmain Sialkot . Tan] ore . Combaconu Jhansi . Hubli . Alwar Firozpur
roi)ula<ion 68,033 67,710 66,202 66,078 63,620 63,194 61,915 61,849 61,485 61,195 59,467 59,221 (Sind) 58,048 57,653 57,352 57,077 56,252 55,856 55,785 55,087 54,390 54,307 53,779 52,595 52,398 50,437
1 ExcludiiiK Howrah.
After these towns there are 40 of between 35,000 and 50,000 inhabitants, and 109 between 20,000 and 35,000. Of the so-called villages, as many as 343,052 in 1891, contained less than 200 inlial)itants each ; and 222,996 con- tained a population varj'-ing between 200 and 500.
Religjon. The prevalent religion in India is that of the Hindus, their number being nearly three-fourths of the total population ; together with the Muham- madans, who number 57,321,161, they comprise over 92 per cent, of the whole community. The liiiddbists are mostly in Burma, as will be seen from the following table, which also shows that the number of Christians is a little
over 2,250,000 :—