Quetta, &c. Excluding the population of these tracts, not enumerated in 1881, the net increase of the population of British territory in the decade was 19,294,509. The total population of British India is about 15 ])er cent, of the estimated population of the globe. The Berars are only provisionally under British administration. Mysore was restored to the Native Government in March 1881. Besides the provinces of India under direct British administration, there are, more or less under the control of the number of feudatory or Native States, covering English square miles, with 65,950,398 inhabitants, the census of 1891 : —
Indian Government, a an extent of 595,167 They are, according to
States or Agency Area in square miles Population 1S81 Population 1891 Increase Density per sq. mile 140 Haidarabad 82,698 9,845,594 11,537,040 1,691,446 Baroda 8,569 2,185,005 2,415,396 230,391 294 IMysore 27,936V 4,186,188 4,843,523 657,335 173 Kashmir , 80,000 — 2,5J^S,952 2,543,952 31 Rajputana 130,268 9,959,012 12,016,102 2,057,090 92 Central India . 77,808 9,387.119 10,318,812 931,693 133 Bombay States. 69,045 6,926,464 8,059,298 1,132,834 117 Madras States . 9,609 3,344,849 3,700,622 355,773 385 Central Provinces States . 29,435 1,709,720 2,160,511 450,791 73 Bengal States . 35,834 2,786,4^6 3,296,379 509,933 92 N.W.P. States 5,109 i � 741,750 792,491 50,741 155 Punjab States . 38,299 3,860,761 4,263,280 402,519 111 Shan outposts , Total States . Total India — ' — 2,992 2,992 — 594,610 1 54,932,908 65,950,398 11,017,490 Ill 1,559,603 253,793,514 287,123,350 33,329,836 184
The totals for population in column 3 include 43,716 under Rdjputana, 2,543,952 for Kashmir, and 2,992 for Shan States (outposts only), not enu- merated in 1881, Excluding the population of tracts not enumerated in 1881, the net addition to the population of Native States comes to 8,426,830. Similarly, the net addition to the total population of all India comes to 27,721,339. Besides the population shown in the above tables, as enumerated in 1891, other tracts were roughly enumerated by means of family or tribal registration. Other tracts, again, were duly enumerated, but the detailed returns were lost during frontier disturbances. The rough totals which have been preserved are as follows : — British Tracts. Approximate population. Upper Burma frontier (in Bluimo and Katha) . . . 42,217
Uritisli Jialuchistan, Burma frontier
excluding Quetta, &c.
Total British
Sikkim . Shan States Rajputana (Bhils, &c.)
Total native territory
145,417 74,276 261,910 30,500 372,969 204,241