The administration of the Indian Empire in England is entrusted to a Secretary of State for India, assisted by a Council of not less than ten members, vacancies in which are filled by the Secretary of State for India. At least nine members of the Council must be persons who have served or resided ten years in India, and have not left India more than ten years previous to the date of their appointment. The office is held for a term of ten years ; but a member may be removed upon an address from both Houses of Parliament, and the Secretary of State for India may for special reasons reappoint a member of the Council for a further term of five years. No member can sit in Parliament. The duties of the Council, which has no initiative authority, are, under the direction of the Secretary of State for India, to conduct the business transacted in the "United Kingdom in rela- tion to the government of India. Moreover, by the Act of 1858, the expenditure of the revenues of India, both in India and else- where, is subject to the control of the Secretary of State in Council, and no grant or appropriation of any part of such revenues can be made without the concurrence of a majority of votes at a meeting of the Council. In dealing, however, with questions affecting the relations of the Government with foreign powers, in making peace and war, in prescribing the policy of the Government towards native States, and generally in matters where secrecy is necessary, the Secretary of State acts on his own authority. The Secretary has to divide the Council into com- mittees, and to regulate the transaction of business. At least one meeting must be held every week, at which not less than five members shall be present. The supreme executive authority in India is vested in the Governor-General in Council, often styled the Government of India. The Governor-General, who since 1858 has also been Viceroy, is appointed by the Crown, and usually holds office for five years. Governor-General of India. — The Eight Hon. George Nathaniel Curzon, Baron Curzon of Kedleston, eldest son of Lord Scarsdale ; born January 11, 1859 ; educated at Eton and Oxford ; M.P. for the Southport Division of Lancashire, 1886-98 ; Under-Secretary of State for India, 1891-92 ; Under- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1895-98 ; Privy Coun- cillor, 1895 ; raised to Peerage, October, 1898. Appointed Governor-General in succession to the Earl of Elgin, September, 1898.
The salary of the Governor-General is Px. 25,080 a year.