Principal Articles Exported 1896 1897 1898 "Woollen manufactures . 18,269,122
13,702,307 WooUen and worsted yarn Total of woollen and worsted . Linen manufactures 5,654,839 4,839,987 4,625,898 23,923,961 20,815,553 18,328,205 5,030,966 4,770,706 4,388,178 M yarn 1,040,939 976,042 885,965 Jute manufactures .... 2,344,282 2,167,109 1,853,744 ,, yarn 378,356 525,981 468,372 Apparel and haberdashery Metals : 6,746,569 6,465,203 6,197,946 Iron, pig 2,533,883 2,889,440 2,736,804 ,, bar, angle, bolt, and rod . 1,194,289 1,087,044 995,625 , , railroad, of all sorts . 3,560,410 3,857,579 3,016,258 ,, wire ..... 903,995 867,640 772,844 ,, tin plates .... 3,036,015 3,038,569 2,753,708 ,, hoops, sheets, and plates . 3,688,850 3,474,104 3,313,937 ,, cast and wrought, of all sorts 4,719,727 4,875,700 4,726,013 ,, old, for re-manufacture 338,907 236,142 240,210 Steel and manuf. partly iron Total of iron and steel . Hardwares and cutlery . 3,925,624 4,315,298 4,084,693 23,801,700 24,641,516 22,640,092 2,122,404 2,104,009 1,989,001 Copper ...... 2,543,837 2,528,101 2,798,746 Machinery ..... 17,014,250 16,255,602 18,380,076 Coals, cinders, fuel, &c. 15,156,313 16,654,955 18,134,690 Chemicals j 8,242,936 8,698,688 8,373,099
The following table shows the quantity of the principal food imports and tobacco retained for home consumption per head of population in each of the last five years :-
Article 1803 1894 1895 1896 1897 Bacon and hams . lbs. 11-73 13-29 14-63 15-90 17-95 Butter . }) 6-59 7-27 7-92 8-46 8-85 Cheese . )> 5-87 6-38 5-93 6-22 7-17 Eggs . no. 34-39 36-68 38-97 40-25 42-23 Wheat and flour lbs. 247-65 25619 285-09 257-30 227 84 Sugar . >> 78-85 80-06 88-13 85-29 80-89 Tea 5-41 5-52 5-67 5-77 5-81 Rice 8-54 7-26 8-00 6-49 8-62 Tobacco > � 1-63 1-66 1-67 1 73 1-75
The total value of goods transhipped for transit was in 1893, 11,546,204/. ; 1894, 9,649,367/. ; 1895, 11,054,99U. ; 1896,
10,266,379/. ; 1897, 10,752,108/.