48,785. There is an increase in the whole number of persons employed of 49,720. The following information is furnished by Mr. Thomas Ellison, of Liverpool : — A century ago tlie value of cotton, woollen, and linen yarns and piece- goods produced in Great Britain and Ireland was about 22, 000, OOOZ. — say, woollen 17,000,000Z., linen 4,000,000^., and cotton 1,000,000Z. Of recent years the value has been about 170,000,000Z. — say, cotton 100,000,000Z., woollen 50,000,OOOZ., and hnen 20,000,000Z. The total amount of capital employed is about 200,000,000Z., and at least 5,000,000 people — men, women, and children — are dependent upon these industries for their livelihood. Moreover, one-half of the value of British and Irish products exported con- sists of textiles. The progress made by each branch is shown in the sub- joined statement of the weight of raw material used and the value of yarns and goods exported : —
"Weight consumed in Millions Value of Products exported in Average Periods of lbs. Thousands of �'s of Three Years 1 Cotton Wool Flax Total Cotton Woollen Linen Total 1798-1800 41-8 109-6 108-6 260-0 5-088 6-846 1-010 12-944 1829-1831 243-2 149-4 193-8 586-4 18-077 4-967 2-138 25-182 1859-1861 1,022-5 260-4 212-0 1,494-9 49-000 15-041 6119 70-060 1889-1891 1,618-0 564-0 220-0 2,402-0 72-114 24-176 6-377 102-667 1893-1895 1,576-0 602-0 213-0 2,391-0 64-697 21-597 5-848 92-142 1896-1898 1,668-0 624-0 236-0 2,628-0 66-094 22-885 5-697 94-676
The following table gives the principal variations in the movements since 1860. Figures in millions of lbs., yards, and pounds sterling.
1860 1877 1883 mil. lbs. 1,734 249 1888 1895 1898 Cotton. Imported .... Exported .... Retained for consumption . Actual consumption . Wool. Sheep, lamb, &c., imported. From sheepskins imported . Produced at home Goats' hair imported , Woollen rags imported ' Total mil. lbs. 1,391 250 mil. lbs. 1,355 169 mil. lbs. 1,732 271 mil. lbs. 1,756 203 1,553 1,632 mil lbs. 2,128 203 1,141 1,083 1,186 1,237 1,485 1,498 1,461 1,529 1,925 1,735 mil. lbs. 148 3 145 3 13 312 mil. lbs. 410 15 152 8 75 mil. lbs. 495 14 129 13 81 mil. lbs. 639 18 134 22 71 mil. lbs. 775 30 135 26 84 mil. lbs. 694 26 139 24 68 660 732 884 1,050