Number of Agricultural Holdings in each Class Percentage of Holdings ! Classification of Holdings Eng- land Wales Scot- land Great Britain Eng- land Wales Scot- land Great Britain No. No. No. No. 7o 7o % 7o Above 1 ac. not above 5 ac. 87,055 10,763 20,150 117,968 22-90 17-85 i 25-30 22-68 „ 5 „ 20 „ 108,145 18,569 23,104 149,818 28-45 30-80 29-01 28-80 , 20 „ 50 ,, 62,446 12.400 10,817 85,663 16-42 20-57 13-58 16-47 , 50 „ 100 „ 46,574 10,217 9,834 66,625 12-25 16-95 12-35 I'^-Sl , 100 „ 300 „ 60,381 7,896 12,968 81,245 15-88 13-10 16-28 15-62 , 300 „ 500 ,, 11,112 386 2,070 13.568 2-92 0-64 2-60 2-61 , 500 ,, 1,000 „ ;, 3,942 54 620 4,616 1-04 0-09 0-78 0-89 , 1,000 524 3 76 603 0-14 0-00 0-10 0-12 Total . 380,179 60,288 79,639 520,106 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00
The acreage of Agricultural Holdings in each class, and percentage of acreage of Holdings were : —
Acreage of Agricultural Holdings in each Class Percentage of Acreage Classification of Holdings England Wales Scot- land Great Britain Eng- land Wales Scot- land Great Britn. 1 Acres Acres Acres Acres 7n 7o 7o 7. lAbove lac. not above 5 ac. 265,268 35,633 65,891 366,792 1-07 1-25 1-35 1-13 .1 5 20 „ 1,210,716 211,267 245,664 1,667,647 4-87 7-44 5-02 5-12 „ 20 50 „ 2,077,953 423,757 363,266 2,864,976 8-36 14-93 7-42 8-79 „ 50 100 „ 3,403,761 749,465 731,977 .4,885,203 13-70 26-40 14-96 15-00 „ 100 ,, 300 „ 10,434,138 1,238,569 2,203,207 13,875,914 4200 43-64 45-01 1 42-59| ,, 300 500 „ 4,188,651 142,925 782,369 5,113,945 16-86 5-04 15-98 15-701 „ 500 „ 1,000 „ 2,570,684 32,818 397,682 3,001,184 10-35 1-16 8-13 9-21 „ 1,000 Total . 693,517 3,925 104,410 801,852 2-79 0-14 2-13 2-46 24,844,688 2,838,359 4,894,466 32,577,513 100-00 100-00 10000 100 00
Of the 520,106 holdings over one acre in size, 439,405 were rented by the occupiers ; 61,014 were owned by the occupiers ; 19,687 were partly rented and partly owned. The acreage rented and the acreage owned by occupiers were as follows : —
Classification of Holdings Rented by Occupiers Owned by Occupiers Total ] Percentage Acres Acres Acres 7o 7c 7o Above 1 ac. not above 5ac. 313,003 53,789 366,792 1-12 116 1-13 >, 5 „ 20 „ 1,438,697 228,950 1,667,647 5.15 4-93 5 12 „ 20 „ 50 „ 2,513,977 350,999 2,864,976 900 7-57 8-79 „ 50 „ 100,, 4,350,476 534,727 4,885,203 15-57 11-52 15-00 ,,100 „ 300,, 12,290,515 1,585,399 13,875,914 43-99 34-17 42-59 ,,300 „ 500,, 4,295,163 818,782 5,113,945 15-38 17-65 15-70 ,,500 „ 1,000,, 2,251,355 749,829 3,001,184 8-06 16-16 9-21 „ 1,000 Total . 484,284 317,568 801,852 1-73 6-84 2-46 27,937,470 4,640,043 32,577,513 100-00 100-00