The total number of horses provided for this establishment was 17,915. For total cost of the British army, with details of the expen- diture, see under Finance. The following table exhibits, after official returns, the number of officers, rank and file, maintained for service in the United Kingdom at decennial periods since the year 1820 up to 1890, and during the last three years, on the 1st of January in every year :—
Year Cavalry Artillery Engineers Infantry and Special Corps Total 1820 9,900 4,046 371 46,799 61,116 1830 8,036 4,037 682 35,339 48,094 1840 7,190 4,118 544 38,624 50,476 1850 8,108 7,353 1,201 50,415 67,077 1860 11,389 14,045 1,707 62,366 89,507 1870 10,910 14,469 2,890 56,092 84,361 1890 12,470 17,584 5,370 68,682 104,116 1896 12,085 17,568 5,457 70,990 106,100 1897 11,897 16,223 5,555 66,966 100,641 1898 11,251 16,989 5,368 65,650 99,258
The following is the official return of the number and distri- bution of the effectives of the British army (including drafts on passage out), on January 1, 1898 : —
— Officers and Men Horses and Mules — Officers and Men Horses and Mules England . Scotland . Ireland Total home 72,348 3,947 22,963 10,063 350 2,784 Egypt The Colonies India Crete Total abroad . 5,553 40,669 74,623 900 686 2,405 12,300 99,258 13,197 121,745 15,391 General total . 221,003 28,588
There are, besides, four classes of reserve, or auxiliary forces — namely, the Militia, the Yeomanry Cavalry, the Volunteer corps, and the Army Reserve force. The following is the official return of the number of men in the regimental establishments of the
various forces, with tihe effectives, for 1898-99 : —