13,867 were beneficed in the United Kingdom ; 7,459 were curates, bishops' chaplains, &c. ; 1,010 were engaged in educa- tional work ; 459 were chaplains, &c., of hospitals, workhouses, cemetaries, &c. ; 173 were chaplains in the army and navy ; 194 were secretaries, &c., of missionary and other societies ; and 4,659 were in the colonies, India, and foreign countries. The non-active list comprised 3,716 clergymen. The gross income from ancient endowments is returned at 5,469,17U., and from benefactions since 1703, at 284,386^. Of the income from ancient endowments, 1,247,827^. is from property vested in the Ecclesiastical Com- missioners. The total annual income of the Church is estimated at about 7,250,000Z. The number of clergy of all grades (includ- ing assistant curates) belonging to the Church of England ac- tually doing duty in churches is returned in the census of 1891 at 24,232, and if those who fill other functions be added, the total number is probably about 27,000. Of the marriages celebrated in 1896, 68'7 per cent, were according to the rites of the Established Church, 4*1 per cent, according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church, 12-0 per cent, in registered places of other bodies, -52 percent, were Jewish marriages, and 14*6 per cent, were civil marriages in Registrar's Office. There are many Protestant Dissenting religious bodies, the most prominent being Methodists of various sects, the Independ- ents or Congregationalists, the Baptists, the English Presby- terians, and the Salvation Army. The Methodist body, sub- divided into members of the Old and New Connexion, Primitive and Free Church Methodists, Bible Christians, and various other sects, possess over 15,200 chapels and 801,000 members; the Independents or Congregationalists 4,618 churches and stations, 2,881 ministers, and over 360,000 members ; the Baptists 3,842 chapels, 2,006 ministers, and 365,000 members, besides in each case the families of members and other adherents. The total number of registered chapels in 1897 was 23,388. According to the census of 1891 there were 10,057 Protestant Dissenting ministers in England and Wales. The number of Roman Catholics in England and Wales (1891) is estimated at 1,500,000. There are fifteen dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church in England — namely, one archbishop and fourteen bishops (besides a coadjutor bishop), as many dioceses, united in the ' Province of Westminster.' In Wales there is a bishop, vicar-apostolic. In December 1898 there were 1,509 Roman Catholic chapels and stations. The number of officiating Roman Catholic clergy at the same date was 2,769 (1,620 in 1871).
The number of Jews in Great Britain and Ireland (exclusive of