Estimated Population, 1891 County Boroughs Area sq. miles pop. of municipal boroughs, 1898 Males Females Total Per sq. mile Walsall . 11-7 35,783 36,006 71,789 6,135-8 West Bromwich 9-1 — 30,026 29,448 59,474 6,535-6 West Ham 7-3 286,654 102,341 102,562 204,903 28,068-9 Wigan 3-4 — 27,085 27,928 55,013 16,180-3 Wolverhampton 5-5 88,051 41,017 41,645 82,662 15,029-4 Worcester 5-0 — 19,736 23,172 42,908 8,581-6 Yarmouth, Great 5-6 — 22,494 26,840 49,334 8,809-6 York. Total County 5-6 — 32,551 34,453 67,004 11,965-0 Boroughs 543-6 — 3,648,330 3,940,206 7,588,536 13,959-8 Total Counties and County Boroughs 58,310 — 14,062,901 14,949,624 29,002,525 497-4
The number of inhabited houses in England and Wales in 1891 was 5,451,497; uninhabited, 372,184; building, 38,387; against 4,831,519 inhabited ; 386,676 uninhabited ; and 46,414 building in 1881. Assuming that the population of urban sanitary districts is urban, and the population outside such districts rural, the following table shows, according to the figures of the preliminary census report, the distribution of the urban and rural population of England and Wales in 1891, and their percentage of increase during the decennium 1881-1891 : —
Population of Districts No. of Districts Aggregate pop. of districts, 1891 Percentage of entire pop. 1891 Percentage of increase, 1881-1891 250,000 and upwards . 100,000—250,000 50,000—100,000 20,000— 50,000 10,000— 20,000 3,000— 10,000 Under 3,000 Total Urban . Rural Total Population 6 18 38 120 176 453 195 6,375,645 2,793,625 2,610,976 3,655,025 2,391,076 2,609,141 367,282 22-0 9-6 9-0 12-6 8-3 8-9 1-3 9-1 19-1 22-9 22-5 18-9 9-6 2-6 1,006 20,802,770 8,198,248 71-7 28-3 15-3 3-4 — 29,001,018 100 11-65
From these figures it appears that 22 per cent, of the population of England and Wales live in six towns of upwards of 250,000 inhabitants ; 31-6 per cent, (in 1881, 29*6 per cent.) in 24 (in 1881, 20) towns of over 100,000 inhabitants ; 40*6 per cent, in 62 towns of over 50,000 inhabitants ; 53*2 per cent, in 182 towns of over 20,000 inhabitants ; and 17,826,347, or 61 '5 per cent, in 358 towns of over 10, 000 inhabitants. In 1881, 14,626,131, or 56 '3 per cent, of the whole population, lived in 303 towns of over 10,000 inhabitants.
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