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RoYAi. Family. — Prince Alfred, only son of the Duke of Ediiiliurgh (Duke of Saxc- Coburg ami Gotha), died Fclmiaiy .">, 1890.

Thk Navy.— On March 0, the Navy Estimates for the year 1890-1900 were laid before Parliament. Tlie total amount required for the year is •20,594,000?. ; the amount to be expended under the liead of construction is 12,817,000?. ; the ships it is proposed to lay down arc two ir<niclad.s, two armoured cruisers of 9,800 tons displacement, three smaller cruisers, aiul two sloops.

Cape Colony. —The imports during the year 1S9S amounted to the value of 16,682,4.38?., and the exports to tlic value of 25,318,701?. In the exports, gold is included to the value of over 15,000,000?. and diamonds about 5,000,000/.

Queensland.— Imports in 1898, 5,880,000?. ; exports, 10,079,000?.


On February 1(5, 1890, it was announced that the differences which have arisen with regard to the frontier line between the Argentine Republic and Chile liaving been referred to the arbitration of Her Majesty's Government, the Right Hoil Lord Macuaghten, one of the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, Jlajor-Gcneral Sir J. C. Ardagh, K.C.I.E., C.B., Director of Military Intelligence, and Colonel Sir T. H. Holdich, K.C.I.E., C.B., have been appointed members of a Tribunal to examine and consider the question.


In 1808 the imports amounted to the value of 830,900,000 florins, and the exports to the value of 808,800,000 florins.


A new Hungarian Ministry took office on February 27, 1899, the new ministers being :

The President of the Council. — M. de Syell.

Minister of Commerce. — M. Alexander Hegedues.

Mi7iister of Justice.— Dr Alexander Plosz.

For the other departments the ministers named on p. 368 continue in office.


On March S, 1S99, it was announced that the Brazilian Government had accepted the British proposal to submit the Guiana Boundary Question to arbitration.


Royal Family.— On March 11, 1899, a son was born to Prince Christian, eldest son of the Crown Prince.


For the year 1898 the s]iecial trade of France, according to tbe provisional results, amounted for imports to 4,376,105.000 francs, and for exports to 3,503,107,000 frajics. Of the imports, the value of ■184,709,000 francs was from the United Kingdom ; and of the exports, the value of 1,038,591,000 francs was to the United Kingdom.

In the year 1897-98 there were 344 sugar factories at work, employing 42,855 men, 3,848 women, and 2,518 children; the output (expressed as refined sugar), amounted to 730,0(17 tons.

The railway receipts for 1898 amounted to 1,343,484,300 francs.

The nominal value of the Ficncli money coined at the Paris mint in 1898 was as follows :— Gold (20 franc j-ieces), 177,320,540 francs; silver (2, 1, and A-franc pieces) 40,000,000 francs ; bronze, 1,000,000 francs— total, 218,320,540 francs. '

(juceii Ranavalona of Madagascar was in March, 1899, transferred to Algiers where it

is stated, she will be in greater .safety than in the Island of Reunion. ' '

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