Reference books, United States, cclxxii ; Hawaii, cclxxvi; Cuba, cclxxvii; Porto Rico, cclxxvii ; Pliil- ippine Islands, cclxxvii ; official, cclxxii; uou-oflicial, cclxxiii. Religion, ccv. Representatives, House of, Ixvii, Ixviii ; names of members of, Ixxv. Revenue, internal and customs, clxiv ; expenses of collecting, clxiv. Revenues and expenditures; clxi, clxii; per capita, clxiii. Rye, c. Schools, days taught, salaries, prop- erty, cci ; enrollment and attend- ance, cc ; enrollment, attendance, teachers, and expenditures, cities, ccii; expenditures for buildings, salaries, furniture, etc., cci ; Indian, cciv ; professional, cciii ; pupils and students, cxcix. Secret Service, vii. Senate, Ixvii, Ixxii. Senators, names of, Ixxii. Shipping, canals, etc., clvi. Silver, average price of tine ounce of, clxxiii ; bar, price in London, clxxv ; coining value, clxviii, clxix ; exports to various countries, cxlvi ; imports, cxliii, cxliv; market for, clxxii; production of States, cxii; pure, bullion value of, clxxvii; used in manufactures, cxiii. Silver and gold, commercial value of, clxxvi. Silver dollar, value of, in market, clxxiv. Silver dollars, circulation of, clxxiv. Smithsonian Institution, xvii. Spain, Avar with, ls; �8, ccxvi. State Department : — Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, Chief Clerk, Diplomatic Bureau, Consular Bureau, Bureau of In- dexes and Archives, Bureau of Ac- counts, Bureau of Foreign Accounts, Bureau of Rolls and Library, Bu- reau of Appointments, and duties, V. States, Secretaries of, ccxxiii ; and Territories, ccxx. Statistics, Bureau of, Treasury Depart- ment, viii. Steamboat Inspection, viii. vStrikes and lockouts, ccix. Sugar, production and consumption of, ciii. Supreme Court of the United States, Ixxxiii.
Telegraphs, clvii. Telephones, clviii. Tin, production and imports of, cxviii. Tobacco, ci. Tonnage, cleared from U. S. ports, cxlix; entered to U. S. ports, cxlviii ; northern lakes, clvii. Treasury Department : — Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, Chief Clerk, Disbursing Clerk, Comptroller of Treasury, Treasurer of the United States, Assistant Treasurer, Register of the Treasury, Comptroller of the Currency, Di- rector of the Mint and Superinten- dents of Mints and Assay Offices, Supervising Architect, Secret Ser- vice, Internal Revenue Bureau, Bureau of Navigation, Office of Steamboat Inspection, Light-House Board, Life-Saving Service, Marine Hospital Service, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Bureau of Immigration, Bureau of Statistics, Bureau of En- graving and Printing, National Bank Redemption Agency, and duties, v-viii. Universities and colleges, cxcix. Vessels built, cxlix. Vice-President, iii. Voting, qualifications for, ccxxiii. War, Commission on Conductrof Span- ish, xix. War Department : — Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Chief Clerk, Disbursing Clerk, Adjutant-General, Inspector-Gen- eral, Judge-Advocate (general, Quartermaster-General, Commis- sary-General of Subsistence, Sur- geon-General, Paymaster-General, Chief of Engineers, Chief of Ord- nance, Chief Signal Officer, Record and Pension Division, Colonial Com- mission, and duties, ix, x. War Department, date of establish- ment of, xlvii. Wealth of United States, clvix. AVeather Bureau, xiv. Weights and measures, clxxx. AVheat, c. Wool, fleece, and pulled, etc., cvi ; pro- duced, exported, imported, and retained for consumption, evii; product, cv.
Zoological Park, xvii.