President of the United States.—William McKinley, of Ohio, born in Ohio Jan. 29, 1843; served as private in the 23d Ohio volunteer infantry during the Civil War, leaving the service July 26, 1865, as captain and brevet major; admitted to the bar in Ohio in 1867, and practised at his home in Canton; member of the U. S. House of Representatives, 1877-90; elected Governor of Ohio in 1891, and reëlected in 1893; elected President in 1896, and inaugurated March 4, 1897. The President has an annual salary of $50,000.
Vice-President.—Garret A. Hobart, born in New Jersey June 3, 1844; admitted to the bar in 1869; served in Assembly of New Jersey legislature, 1873-76, the latter year being Speaker of the House; served in New Jersey Senate, 1879-82, being president of that body; elected Vice-President in 1896, and inaugurated March 4, 1897. His annual salary is $8000.
Private Secretary to the President.—John Addison Porter, of Connecticut, born April 17, 1856.
Since the adoption of the Constitution the offices of President and Vice-President have been filled as follows (the star indicates those who were elected as Vice-President, but who on the death of the President filled that office):
Name | From State | Term of Service | Born | Died |
George Washington | Virginia | 1789-1797 | 1732 | 1799 |
John Adams | Massachusetts | 1797-1801 | 1735 | 1826 |
Thomas Jefferson | Virginia | 1801-1809 | 1743 | 1826 |
James Madison | " | 1809-1817 | 1751 | 1836 |
James Monroe | " | 1817-1825 | 1759 | 1831 |
John Quincy Adams | Massachusetts | 1825-1829 | 1767 | 1848 |
Andrew Jackson | Tennessee | 1829-1837 | 1767 | 1845 |
Martin Van Buren | New York | 1837-1841 | 1782 | 1862 |
William H. Harrison | Ohio | March-April 1841 | 1773 | 1841 |
*John Tyler | Virginia | 1841-1845 | 1790 | 1862 |
James K. Polk | Tennessee | 1845-1849 | 1795 | 1849 |
Zachary Taylor | Louisiana | 1849-1850 | 1784 | 1850 |
*Millard Fillmore | New York | 1850-1853 | 1800 | 1874 |
Franklin Pierce | New Hampshire | 1853-1857 | 1804 | 1869 |
James Buchanan | Pennsylvania | 1857-1861 | 1791 | 1868 |
Abraham Lincoln | Illinois | 1861-1865 | 1809 | 1865 |
*Andrew Johnson | Tennessee | 1865-1869 | 1808 | 1875 |
Ulysses S. Grant | Illinois | 1869-1877 | 1822 | 1885 |
Rutherford B. Hayes | Ohio | 1877-1881 | 1822 | 1893 |
James A. Garfield | " | March-Sept. 1881 | 1831 | 1881 |
*Chester A. Arthur | New York | 1881-1885 | 1830 | 1886 |
Grover Cleveland | " | 1885-1889 | 1837 | —— |
Benjamin Harrison | Indiana | 1889-1893 | 1833 | —— |
Grover Cleveland | " | 1893-1897 | 1837 | —— |
William McKinley | Ohio | 1897- | 1843 | —— |