lately prohibited, except in vinicultural or horticultural pursuits, or in domestic or household occupations. Colorado. — Eight hours constitute a day's work for all workingmen employed by the State, or any county, township, school district, munici- pality, or incorporated town. ConiiectiaU. — Eight hours of labor constitute a lawful day's work unless otherwise agreed. District of Columbia. — Eight hours constitute a day's work for all laborers or mechanics employed by or on behalf of the District of Cohimbia. Idaho. — Eight hours' actual work constitute a lawful day's work on all State and municipal works. lllinoi.^. — Eight hours are a legal day's work in all mechanical em- ployments, except on farms, and when otherwise agreed ; does not apply to service by the day, week, or month, or prevent contracts for longer hours, Indiana. — Eight hours of labor constitute a legal day's work for all classes of mechanics, workingmen, and laborers, excepting those engaged in agricultural and domestic labor. Overwork by agreement and for extra compensation is permitted. The employment of persons under fourteen years of age for more than eight hours per day is absolutely prohibited. Kansas. — Eight hours constitute a day's work for all laborers, me- chanics, or other persons employed by or on behalf of the State or any county, city, township, or other municipality. Xebraska. — Eight hours constitute a legal day's work for all classes of mechanics, servants, and laborers, except those engaged in farm or domestic labor. 3Iissonri. — Eight hours constitute a legal day's work. The law does not prevent an agreement to work for a longer or a shorter time, and does not apply to laborers and farm hands in the service of farmers or others engaged in agriculture. Montana. — Eight hours constitute a legal day's work for persons engaged to operate or handle any first-motion or direct-acting hoisting engine, or any geared or indirect-acting hoisting engine at any mine em- ploying fifteen or more men underground when the duties of fireman are performed by the person so engaged ; also for any stationary engineer operating a stationary engine developing fifty or more horse-power when such engineer has charge or control of a boiler or boilers in addition to his other duties. The law applies only to such steam plants as are in con- tinuous operation or are operated twenty or more hours in each twenty- four hours, and does not apply to persons running any engine more than eight hours in each twenty-four for the purpose of relieving another employee in case of sickness or other unforeseen cause. New Jersey. — Eight hours constitute a day's labor on any day whereon any general or municipal election shall be held. New York. — Eight hours constitute a day's work for mechanics, work- ingmen, and laborers, except in farm or domestic labor, but overwork for extra pay is permitted. The law applies to those employed by the State or municipality, or by persons contracting for State work. 0/iio. — Eight hours shall constitute a day's work in all engagements to labor in any mechanical, manufacturing, or mining business, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract. But in case of conductors, engineers, firemen, or trainmen of railroads, a day's work consists of ten