of Statistics of Labor have reported strikes up to a recent date. For the whole of the United States there are very complete sta- tistics covering the period from Jan. 1, 1881, to June 30, 1894. These are taken from the Tenth Annual Report of the United States Commissioner of Labor.
STRIKES BY YEARS, JAN. 1, 1881, TO JUNE 30, 1894
Year strikes Establish- ments Average Establish- ments to a Strike Employees thrown out of Employment 1881 471 2,928 6.2 129,521 1882 . 454 2,105 4.6 154,671 1883 . 478 2,759 5.8 149,763 isa4 . 443 2,367 5.3 147,054 1885 . &45 2,284 3.5 242,705 1886 . 1,432 10,053 7.0 508,044 1887 . 1,436 6,5S9 4.6 379.726 1SS8 . 906 3,506 3.9 147,704 1889 . 1,075 3,786 3.5 249,559 1890 . 1,833 9,424 5.1 351,944 1891 . \ 1,718 8,117 4.7 299,0&4 1892 . 1,298 5,540 4.3 206,671 1893 . 1,305 4,555 3.5 265,914 1894 (6 months) 896 5,U'4 5.S 482.066 Total 14,390 69,167 4.8 3,714,406
Pkr Cent OF ESTABLISH.MENTS Per Cent of Estabmsii.ments IN Strikes which — in Lockouts which Year , Succeeded Succeeded Partly Failed Succeeded Succeeded Partly Failed 1881 . 61.37 7.00 31.63 88.89 11.11 1882 53.59 8.17 38.24 64.29 35.71 1883 58.17 16.09 25.74 56.41 43.59 1884 51.50 3.89 44.61 27.97 .28 71.75 1885 52.80 9.50 37.70 38.25 8.28 58.47 1886 a 34.45 a 18.82 a 46..58 h 19.48 h 12.06 6 60.44 1887 4564 7.19 47.17 34.19 1.25 64.56 1888 52.22 5.48 42.30 74.44 3.89 21.67 1889 46.49 18.91 34.60 40.91 25.76 83.33 1890 c 52.64 c 10.01 c 37.34 6574 5.56 28.70 1891 37.87 8.29 53.&4 63.92 14.29 21.79 1892 39.31 8.70 51.99 69.13 2528 5.59 1893 d 50.82 (I 10.32 d 38.79 e 39.02 e 17.05 e 87.05 1894 (6 months) . 23.83 1.5.66 60.51 21.95 1.36 76.69 Tota 1 / 44.49 / 11.25 ./� 44.23 g 40.33 g 9.58 g 47.75
a Not including 15 establishments in which strikes were pending Dec. 31, 1886. b Not including 121 establlshinonts in which lockouts were pending Dec. 31, 1886. r; Not including 1 cstabli.shiiu-nt not reporting. d Not including 3 establishments in which strikes were still ponding June 30, 1894. e. Not including 21 establishments in which lockouts were still pending June 30,1894. f Not including 19 establishments for the reasons stated in notes rt, c, and d.
'g Not including 142 estabHshments for the reasons stated in notes b and e.