negroes, 3326 males and 3092 females ; Chinese, 12 males and 1 female ; civilized Indians, 16 males and 20 females. Of the number reported as of unknown nativity, 1074 were males and 1200 were females. The total number of almshouse paupers reported in 1880 was 66,203. Inmates of Benevolent Institutions. — The total number of imnates of benevolent institutions in the United States on June 1, 1890, was 111.910 : whites, 106,836 ; negroes, 4102 ; Chinese, 41 ; Japanese, 8 ; civilized Indians, 923. The number of male inmates was 55,245, and of female inmates, 56,665. According to general nativity and color, the sexes are divided as follows : native whites, 37,314 males and 38,956 females ; for- eign whites, 13,076 males and 13,246 females ; negroes, 2135 males and 1967 females ; Chinese, 33 males and 8 females ; Japanese, 8 males ; civilized Indians, 512 males and 411 females. Of the number reported as of unknown nativity, 2167 were males and 2077 were females. In the census of 1880 attention was confined to homeless children in institutions. Insane, Feeble-Minded, Deaf and Dumb, and Blind The Insane. — The total number of insane in the United States on June 1, 1890, was 106,485: whites, 99,719; negroes, 6535; Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, 231. The number of insane males was 53,473, and of insane females, 53,012. According to general nativity and color, the sexes are divided as follows : native whites, 32,946 males and 31,473 females ; foreign whites, 17,305 males and 17,995 females ; negroes, 3013 males and 3522 females ; Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, 209 males and 22 females. The total number of insane reported in 1880 was 91,959. The number of insane in each 100,000 of population in 1890 was 387.0 for the foreign whites, 140.5 for the native whites, and 88.6 for the colored. In 1880 the corresponding figures were 398.8, 161.9, and 91.2. The proportion of insanity is much greater among the whitefe than among the negroes, and very much greater among the foreign born than among the native born. The number of insane in asylums in 1890 was 74,028 : whites, 69,729 ; negroes, 4299. The number of insane in asylums in each 1000 of insane was : whites, 699 ; negroes, 658. The number of insane admitted to public institutions from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, was 190,458 : males, 104,748 ; females, 84,485. The number treated was 227,461. The total expenditures for the same time were .$100,258,606 : current, $76,599,259; building, $18,520,547 ; unspeci- fied, $5,138,800. The number of insane admitted to private institutions from 1881 to 1889, inclusive, was 13,833 : males, 6894 ; females, 6939. Of the 74,028 insane in institutions on June 1, 1890, the information as to whether they could read or write was not given for 8963. Of the remaining 65,065, 51,362, or 789 per 1000, could both read and write ; 1681, or 26 per 1000, could read but could not write, and 11,833, or 182 per 1000, could neither read nor write. The Feeble-Minded. — The total number of feeble-minded in the United States on June 1, 1890, was 95,609: whites, 84,997; negroes, 10,574; Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, 38. The number of feeble- minded males was 52,962, and of feeble-minded females, 42,647. Accord- ing to general nativity and color, the sexes are divided as follows : native
whites, 42,277 males and 33,633 females ; foreign whites, 4875 males and