Fees must be paid in advance, and are as follows : On filing each origi- nal application for a patent, $15. On issuing each original patent, $20. In design cases : For 3 years and months, $10 ; for 7 years, $15 ; for 14 years, $;>0. On filing each caveat, ."^lO. On every application for the reissue of a patent, $30. On filing each disclaimer, $10. For certified copies of patents and other papers in manuscript, 10 cents per hundred words ; for certified copies of printed patents, 80 cents. For uncertified printed copies of specifications and drawings of patents, for single copies, or any number of unclassified copies, 5 cents each ; for copies by subclasses, 3 cents each ; by classes, 2 cents each, and for the entire set of patents issued, in one order, 1 cent each. For recording every assignment, agree- ment, power of attorney, or other paper, of 300 words or under, $1 ; of over 300 and under 1000 words, $2 ; of over 1000 words, $3. For copies of drawings, the reasonable cost of making them. The Patent Office is prepared to furnish positive blue-print photographic copies of any draw- ing, foreign or domestic, in the possession of the ofiice, in sizes and at rates as follows : Large size, 10 x 15 inches, 25 cents ; medium size, 7x11 inches, 15 cents ; small size, 5x8 inches, 5 cents. An order for small-sized copies can be filled only when it relates to the drawings of an application for patent. The following is a statement of the number of patents, etc., issued during various calendar years since 1852 :
Year Patents and Certificates of Registration issued Patents Designs Reis- sues Total Patents Trade- marks Labels Total Certifi- cates 1852 1860 1S70 ISSO 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 890 4,363 12,157 12,986 25,322 22,328 22,661 22,768 19,875 20,883 21,867 22,098 20.404 109 183 737 515 886 836 817 902 928 1,115 1,445 1,631 1,803 20 282 439 506 84 80 81 99 &4 59 61 65 60 1,019 4,778 13,333 13,947 26,292 23,244 23,559 23,769 28,867 22,057 23,273 23,794 22,267 121 349 1,415 1,762 1,737 1.677 1,806 1,829 1,813 1,671 1,238 203 304 a 137 6 3 b\ cl4 d 200 121 552 1,719 1,899 1,743 1,677 1,806 1,832 1,846 1,701 1,473
a Reg-istration of labels practically ceased May 27, 1891, under decision of United States Supreme Court in Higpins et al. v. Keutfel et al. (55 O.G., 1139). 6 32 Prints. c 16 Prints. </ 35 Prints. Note. — The number of patents granted prior to the commencement of this series of numbering (July 28, 1836) was 9957. The whole number of original patents, including designs, issued up to Dec. 31, 1898, was 646,785.
Instruction [Tables are ft-om Reports of Commissioner of Education] Each State of the Union has a system of free public schools
established by law. The work of these is largely supple-