Whence Date of Origi- Date of Pres- Com- Name and Agency ap- nal Appoint- ent Appoint- pen- pointed ment ment sation 1 Connor, Selden, Augusta, Me. Me. Apr. 6, 1897 Apr. 6, 1897 $4,000 iHoitt, Augustus J., Boston, Mass. . . . . Mass. Apr. 27, 1898 Apr. 27, 1898 4,000 lOrr, Charles A., Buffalo, N.Y. N.Y. Jan. 13, 1898 Jan. 13, 1898 4,000 iMerriam, Jonathan, Chicago, 111 111. Jan. 13, 1898 Jan. 13, 1898 4,000 1 Jones, Joseph W., Columbus,
0. July 8, 1898 July 8, 1898 4,000 1 Henry, Hugh, Concord, N.H. Vt. Apr. 12, 1898 Apr. 12, 1898 4,000 iSperry, Emery F., Des Moines, Iowa Iowa July 21, 1898 July 21, 1898 4,000 1 Janes, Oscar A., Detroit, Mich, Mich. Mar. 8, 1897 Mar. 8, 1897 4,000 iLeighty, Jacob D., Indianap- olis, Jnd Ind. Aug. 21, 1897 Jan. 13,1898 4,000 1 Wilder, John T., Knoxville, Tenn Tenn. Nov. 8, 1897 Jan. 13,1898 4,000 Combs, Leslie, Louisville, Ky. Ky. May 3, 1898 May 3, 1898 4,000 iCoe, Edwin D., Milwaukee, Wis Wis. Sept. 16, 1897 Jan. 13,1898 4,000 iRerwin, Michael, New York, N.Y N.Y. Apr. 30, 1898 Apr. 30, 1898 4,000 iMulholland, St. Clair A. , Phila- delphia, Ta. Pa. Mar. 9, 1894 Mar. 9, 1898 4,000 iNesbit, John W., Pittsburg, Pa. Pa. Dec. 18, 1897 Dec. 18, 1897 4,000 1 Fuller, Jesse B. , San Francisco, Cal Cal. July 18, 1898 July 18, 1898 4,000 iLeland, Cyrus, jr., Topeka, Kan Kan. July 20, 1897 July 20, 1897 4,000 1 Wilson, Sidney L., Washing- ton, D.C N.Y. Jan. 22, 1885 Feb. 1, 1898 4,000
Note. — Employees at pension agencies were made subject to the civil-service rules for appointment by the extension of the classification by the President's order of July 15, 1895. 'i'erm of oflice expires four years from " Date of present appointment." 1 Served in Union Army or Navy during the Civil War.
Patents The United States Government issues patents, under the authority and seal of the Patent Office, for any inventions or discoveries of any new and useful art, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof. The grant gives to the patentee, his heirs or assigns, a monopoly for 17 years ; that is, the exclusive right to make,
use, and vend the invention or discovery claimed and patented.