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Year ending Dec. 31 No. of Com- panies Capital Total Assets not including Premium Notes Not Surplus American stock companies : Foreign stock companies : Total stock companies : Total mutual companies : Agg-reg-ate stock and mutual companies : 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 254 248 248 245 251 77 75 73 74 73 72,694,571 71,120,666 70,299,226 70,281,368 72,146,896 214,702,757 232,423,351 225,382,563 234,427,721 253,799,370 66,026,631 60,852,ls4 69,602,566 76,317,051 80,561,342 42,597,566 49.969,620 56,679,186 66,9^5,361 81,141,554 23,395,678 26,249,553 28,198,073 34,102,379 38,052,495 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 301 323 321 319 324 192 235 262 222 205 72,694,571 71,120,666 70,174,226 •70,281,368 72,146,896 280,729,388 299,275,535 294,985,129 308,199,6.58 334,360,712 50,862,134 51,475,366 52,691,160 51,852,969 53,279,768 65,993,244 76,179,173 84,s77,259 I00,:',s(i,.%;3 119,1'.)4,049 32,426,116 32,701,463 33,359,447 33,947,172 35.443.447 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 493 558 58:3 541 529 72,694,571 71,120,666 70,174,226 70,281,368 72,146,896 331,591.522 350,750,901 347,676,289 360,052,627 387,(>40,480 98,419,360 108,870,636 118,236,706 134.327,735 154,637,496 Year ending Dec. 31 No. of Com- panies EXPEXDITURES Total Dis- bursements Paid for Losses Paid for Divi- dends Other Disburse- ments American stock companies : Foreign stock companies : Total stock companies : Total mutual companies : Aggregate stock and mutual companies : 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 254 248 243 245 251 77 75 73 74 73 67,058,619 58,525,858 54,4CO,052 49,705,637 47,359,926 33,057.524 28,364,172 27,657,092 26,921,332 25,377,767 6,584,697 6,546,408 6,962,781 7,061,449 7,448,554 36,051,616 34,168,552 34.969,192 35,235,098 36,735,004 15,161,860 14,613,474 15,197,084 15,375,511 16.295,429

�1 09, 687,934 

a99,255,272 Z>96,41 1,025 692,066,358 91,543.484 48,219,384 42.977,646 42,854,176 42,296,843 41,673.196 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1893 1894 1895 1896 1S97 301 323 321 319 324 192 235 262 222 205 100,116,143 86,890,030 82,086,144 76,626,969 72,737,693 9,386,890 7,980,866 7,587.519 6,728,.569 6.192,16>^ 6,584,697 6,546,408 6,962,781 7,061,449 7,448,554 c5,843.141 06,048,238 07,705,363 06,517,922 07,725.403 51,213,476 48,782,036 50,166,276 50.610,609 53,030,433 3,672,197 4,061,830 4,050,489 3,876,095 3.869.113 a 157,907.31 8 ^> 142,232,918 6139,265.201 & 134,363.201 133,216,680 19.266.653 19.448.831 17,066,069 17.786,684 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 493 558 583 Ml 529 109.503.033 94.870,806 89,673,663 83.355,538 78,929,861 12,427,8:38 12,594,646 14,663,144 13,579,371 15,173,957 54,885.673 52,843,866 54,216,765 .54.486,704 56,899,546 177,173,971 160.478,302 158,714,032 151,429,270 151,003,364

a Not including small disbursements reported in amounts in columns showing expendi- tures in dct.nil. b Including small disbursements not reported in columns sliowing expenditures in detail. c In mutual companies these disbursements are designated as amounts returned to policy


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