Western Australia, births, 322
— books of reference, 327
— commerce, 325
— constitntion, 321
— currency and credit, 326
— customs valuation, 325
— debt, 324
— defence, 324
— exports, 322
— emigration, 325
— finance, 324
— gold exports, 325
— government, 321
— governor, 321
— immigration, 322
— imports, 325
— instruction, 323
— justice and crime, 323
— pauperism, 323
— population, 322
— posts and telegraphs, 326
— production and industry, 324
— railways, 326
— religion, 312
— schools, 323
— shipping, 326
Western Pacific (German dependencies
in), 610, 614 West Ham, 19 West Indies, 244 ; statistics, 250, 252
— Danish, 498
— Dutch, 837 Westland(N.Z.), 275 Westphalia, area and population, 658
— crime, 663
— emigi'ation, 660
— religion, 661 West Prussia, 658-663 Whvdah, 563, 564 Wiekliam(N.S.W.),^260 Wiener-Neustadt, 373 Wiesbaden, 580, 660 Wigan, 19
Wiju, 779
Wilborg, 968
Wilhelm II., German Emperor, 572 King of Prussia, 652
Wilhelm II. (Wiirttemlierg), 686
Wilhelmina Helena Pauline (Nether- lands), 805
Wilson Islands, 332
Windhoek (S.W. Africa), 612
Windward Islands, 249-251
Winneba (W. Alrica), 215 Winnipeg, 223 Wismar, 646 Witu, 195
Witwatersrand goldfields, 1006 Wolverhampton, population, 19 Wonsan (Korea), 778-780 Woodlark Is. (N. Guinea), 257 Woolwich, Royal Military Academy,
56, 59 Worcester, 19
Worcester (Cape Good Hope, 184) Worms, 640 Wuchnu, 465 Wuha, 465 Wiirttemlierg, agriculture, 690
— area, 687
— anny, 690
— births, deaths, and marriages,
— books of reference, 690
— breweries, 690
— constitution, 686
— crime, 689
— emigration, 688
— finance, 689
— government, 686
— industry, 690
— instruction, 688
— pauperism, 689
— population, 687
— railways, 690
— reigning king, 686
- religion, G^S
— revenue, 689
— royal family, 686
— towns, 688
Wiirzburg, 627 ; University, 583
V UAN DAY (Aunam), 548
YAKOBA, 210 Yamagata, 764 Yanaon, 547 Yarmouth, Gt, 19 Varoslav, 915 Yeisk, 916 Yelets, 916 Yemen, 1080 Yezd, 859
Yokohama, 764 ; port, 771
Yola, 210