Tajiks (tribe), 339
Takamatsu, 764
Takaungu (E. Africa), 196
Takutea Islam], 332
Talca, 446
Talcahuano, 452
Talieii-wan, 458, 974
Taltal, 452
Tamatavo, 558, 559
Tuiiiaulipas, 785
Tambov, 916
Tammcvfors, 916, 968
Tarn pin, 172
Tain worth (N.S.W.), 260
Tanga (Germ. E. Africa), 613
Tanganyika (C. Africa), 192
Tangier, 800, 801
Tanjore, 135
Tantah, 1107
Taranaki, 275
Tarapaca, 446
Tarija (Bolivia) 429 ; town, 430
Tarnopol, 373
Tarapaca, 869
Tashkend, 916
Tasichozong (Bhutan), 428
Tasmania, agriculture, 306
— area, 303
— births, deaths, and marriages, 304
— books of reference, 309
— commerce, 307
— constitution, 302
— customs valuation, 308
— debt, 305
— defence, 306
— emigration, 304
— exports, 307, 308
— government, 302
— governor, 303
— liorticulture, 306
— immigration, 304
— imports, 307, 308
— instruction, 304
— justice and crime, 305
— mines and minerals, 307
— occupations of the people, 303
— pauperism, 305
— population, 303
— posts and telegraphs, 308, 309
— production and industry, 306
— railways, 308
— religion, 304
— revenue and expenditure, 305
— shipping and navigation, 308
Tatar Pazarjik, 1096
Tavira, 880
Tchelyabinsk, 962
Tebessa, 553
Tegucigalpa, 712
Teheran, 859, 860, 862, 865
Teml)uland, 184
Temesvar, 391
Temuco, 446
Tepic (Ter. ), 785
Teramo, 725
Tessawa, 210
Tetiaroa Islands, 571
Tetuan, 800
Thanh Thai' (of Annam), 54 S
Thessaly, 693
Thurgau (canton), 1058, 1000
Tibesti, 341
Tibet, 457
Ticino (canton), 1058, lOGO
Tieba's Kingdom, 563
Tient-sin, 465
Tierra del Fuego, 345
Tiflis, 916
Tigre, 336
Tilburg, 811
Timor (Dutch), 830 ; (Portuguese),
890, 891 Tirnova, 1096 Tizi-Ouzou, 551 Tlaxcala (Mexico), 785 TleuKj'en, 551 Tobago, 248-251 Tobolsk, 916 Togo (Togoland), 611 Togoland, 610 Tokelau Islands, 332 Tokio, 764 Tokusima, 764 Tolima, 472 Toluca, 786 Tombo Island, 563 Tomsk, 916 Tonga, 1073 Tongarewa Island, 332 Tonk, 131
Tonkin, 545-547, 549 Toronto, 223
Tortoise Islands, 499, 500 Tortola Island, 248 Totonicapan, 704 Toulon, 513, 526 Toulouse, 513, 515
Tourcoing, 513, 53G