Scotland, taxation, local, 55
— textile factories, 77
— towns, 22
— trade, 81
— universities, 34 Scutari, 1079, 1080 Sebastopol, 908, 915 Segelmesa, 799 Selangor, 171, 172
— area and population, 173
— finance, 174 Semipalatinsk, 916 Senaar, 1123 Sendai, 764 Senegal, 546, 562 Seoul (Korea), 778, 779 Seraing, population, 414 Serena, 446
Sergipe (Brazil), 436 Servia, agriculture, 992
— area, 988
— army, 991
— births, deaths, and marriages,
— books of reference, 995
— budget, 991
— commerce, 992
— constitution, 987
— currency and credit, 994
— defence, 991
— diplomatic representatives, 994
— exports, 993
— finance, 990
— forests, 992
— government, 987
— imports, 993
— instruction, 989
— justice and crime, 990
— manufactures, 992
— mining, 992
— money, weights, and measures,
— pauperism, 990
— population, 988
— posts and telegraphs, 994
— production and industry, 992
— railways, 994
— religion, 989
— revenue and expenditure, 990-991
— sovereign, 987 Servia (Turkish), 1079 Setubal, 880 Sevilla, 1013 Seychelles, 202
Seyd Mohamed Eahim Khan (Khiva)»
974 Seyyid Feysal bin Turki (Oman), 847 Sfax (Tunis), 565, 566 Shabatz, 989 Shahjahanpur, 135 Shahr i Sabz, 973 Shandernagar, 547 Shanghai, 465 Shansi, 458 Shantung, 458 Shan States, area an<l poj)ulation,
130, 131
— religion, 136 Sheffield, 18 ; College, 34 Shasi, 465
Shensi, 458
Shidzuoka, 764
Shields, N. and S., 75, 90
Shikiku (Japan), 763
Shiraz, 859
Shire Highlands, 193
Shoa, 336
Sholapur, 135
Shusha, 916
Sialkot, 135
Siam, area, 997
— books of ref^ence, 1001
— commerce, 999
— defence, 998
— diplomatic representatives, 1001
— finance, 998
— government, 996
— instruction, 998
— King, 996
— money, weights, and measures,
— population, 997
— posts and telegraphs, 1001
— production and industry, 999
— railways, 1000
— religion, 998
— royal family, 996
— serfdom, 999
— shipping, 1000
Siberia, 909, 912-921, 923, 947
— manufactures, 951
— railway, 962 ; shipping, 961 Sicily, 720
Sidi Ali (Bey of Tunis), 564 Siena, 725 ; University, 735 Sierra Leone, 216-218 Sikkim, 130, 131, 169
Silesia (Austrian), 370, 371