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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1899


Niger Coast Protectorate, 208

Xiger Territories, 209

Niigata, 764 ; i)ort, 771

Nijni-NovgoroJ, 915 ; fair, 959

Nikolaievsk, 908, 960

Nikolaieff, 915

Mkolaistad, 968

Niksic, 796

Ximeguen, 811

Ximes, 513

Ningpo, 465

Nippon, 763, 764

Nisch City (Servia), 989

Njimi (Kanem), 343

Nkata, 193

Norfolk Island, 272

Norodam (of Cambodia), 548

Norrkof)ing, 1030 ; local government

at, 1028 Northampton, 18

Northern Territory (S. Australia), 297 North Island (N.Z.), 275, 276 North Shields, 75, 90 North-West Provinces (India), 129

religion, 136

revenue, 143

states, 132

Norway, agriculture, 1049

— area, 1042

— armv, 1047

— banks, 1054

— births, deaths, and marriages, 1044

— books of reference, 1056

— commerce, 1050

— constitution, 1040

— council of state, 1041

— currency and credit, 1054

— customs valuation, 1050

— defence, 1047

— emigration, 1044

— exports, 1050-1052

— finance, 1046

— fisheries, 1050

— forestry, 1049

— government, central, 1040 local, 1042

— Grundlov, the, 1040

— imports, 1050-1 052

— instruction, 1044

— justice and crime, 1045

— mines and minerals, 1049

— money, weights, and measures, 1055

— navy, 1048

— occupation of people, 1043


Norway, pauperism, 1045

— population, 1042

— posts and telegraphs, 1054

— railways, 1053

— religion, 1044

— revenue and expenditure, 1046

— shipping and navigation, 1052

— Storthing, the, 1040

— towns, 1044

— (See also Sweden) Norwich, population, 18 Nossi-Be Island, 546, 561 Nottingham, 18 ; College, 34 Noumea, 570

Novara, 725

Nova Scotia, population, 223, 225,

228 Novi-Bazar, 403 Novo Redondo, 892 Novotcherkask, 915 Nubia, 1107 Nuble, 446

Nueva San Salvador, 979 Nuevo Leon, 785 Nukha, 916

Nukufetau (Pacific), 332 Nukulaelae Islands, 332 Nukunono Islands, 332 Nuremberg, 580, 627 Nyasalaud, 193

N3'asa District (Portuguese), 892 Nyeman navigation, 961 Nyezhin, 961

AATAFU Islands, 332

\ / Oaxaca (Mexico), 786

Obbia, 767

Obeid, 1123

Oberalp, 1067

Ober-Elsass, 617

Obock, 546, 562

Obwalden (canton), 1058, 1060

Oceania, 332, French colonics in, 546,

570 Odeni (^V. Africa), 211 Odense, 490 Odessa, 908, 915 Offenbach, 640 Ogogo (W. Africa), 209 Ohau, 663 Ohumbela, 209 Oil Islands, 202

Okayama, 764

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