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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1899


Mauritius, population, 200

— religion, 200

— shipping and communications, 202

— troops at, 104

Mayaguana Island (Bahamas), 244 Mayence (Mainz), 640 Mayotte Island, 546, 561 Mazagan, 800 Mazar-i-Sharif, 339 Mecca, 1080

Mechlin, population, 414 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, area and population, 646

— constitution, 645

— grand-duke, 645

— finance, 647

— justice and crime, 646

— pauperism, 646

— production, 647 ■ — railways, 647

— religion and instruction, 646 Mecklenburg-Strelitz, area and popu- lation, 648

— constitution, 648

— finance, 648

— grand-duke, 647

— railway, 649 Medellin, 472 Meerane, 679 Meerut, 135 Meester Cornells, 833 Jkleetia Island, 571 Meiningen, 673

Melbourne, 311 ; University, 312

Melilla, 801, 1012

Melsetter, 213

Menado (E. Indies), 830

Mendoza, province, 345 ; town, 346

Menelek J I. (Abyssinia), 336

Mengo, 196

Mengtsz, 465

Merida (Mexico), 786

,\ierka, 195

Meshed, 859, 862, 863

Mesopotamia, 1079

Messenia, 693

Messina, 725, 754 ; University, 735

Metz, 617

Mexico, agriculture, 789

— area and population, 785

— army, 788

— - banks, 792

• - books of reference, 793 — commerce, 790


Mexico, constitution, 784

— currency and credit, 791

— debt, 788

— defence, 788

— diplomatic representatives, 792

— finance, state, 787 local, 788

— government, 784 local, 785

— instruction, 786

— justice, 787

— manufactures, 790

— mines and minerals, 789

— money, weights, and measures, 792

— navy, 788

— posts and telegi-aphs, 791

— president, 784

— production and industry, 789

— railways, 791

— religion, 786

— revenue and expenditure, 787

— shipping, 791

— silver production, 789

— towns, 786 Mexico (City), 786 Michoacan (Mexico), 786 Middle Franconia, 626, 628 Middle Island (N.Z.), 275, 276 Middlesborough, 18, 90 Mikado of Japan, 761 Mikindani (Germ. E. Africa), 613 Milan, 725

Minas (Uruguay), 1127

Minas Geraes, 436, 440

Minsk, 916

Miquelon Island, 546, 569

Mir Mahmud Khan of Khelat, 167

Mirzapur, 135

Misahiihe, 610

Misiones (Arg. Rep. ), 345

Miskolcz, 391

^litau, 916

Mitchell Islands, 332

Mitiero Island, 332 Mito, 764

Modena, 725 ; University, 735

Mogadischo, 195

\Ioga(lor, 800

i\loghilev, 916

Mohnmmarali, 863

Moharek. 109

— Island, 109

Mokpo (Korea), 779, 780

Moldavia, 896

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