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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1899


Fremantle (W. Australia), 322 French Congo, 556

— Guinea, 563

— India, 545, 546, 547

— Indo-China, 547

— Soudan, 563

Fribourg (canton), 1058, 1060 Fribourg (town), 1063 Friedrich, Duke (Anhalt), 618 Friedrich I., Grand-Duke (Baden),

620 Friedrich, Prince (Waldeck), 685 Friedrich Franz III., Grand-Duke

(Mecklenburg-Schwerin), 645 Friedrich Wilhelm I., Grand-Duke

(Mecklenburg-Strelitz), 647 Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen(W. Pacific),

614 Friesland, 809, 811 Fuchau, 465 Fukien, 458 Fukui, 764 Fukuoka, 764 Fulah Empire, 210 i Funchal, 880 Fiinfkirchen, 391 Fiirth, 627 Fusan, 779, 780

GABUN-CONGO, 556 Gafsa (Tunis), 566 Galapagos, or Tortoise Islands, 499,

500 Galatz, 897, 901 Galicia (Austria), 370, 371 Gallaland, 336 Galle, 114

Galway, Queen's College, 34 Gambia, 216-218 Gambler Island, 546, 571 Gamtak, 169 Ganagana, 211 Gandava, 167 Gando, 210 Ganges Canal, 150 Garden Island (Sydney), 265 Gardner Island (Pacific), 332 Garhwal, 132 Gateshead, 18 (J ay a, 135 (Jcelong, 312

Gefle, 1030 ; local government at, 1028


Geneva (canton), 1058, 1060 Geneva, 1062 ; University, 1063 Genoa, 725, 754 ; University, 735 Georg II. , Duke (Saxe- Meiningen), 673 Georg, Prince(Schaumburg-Lippe), 682 George II. (Tonga), 1073 Georgetown (Guiana), 239 Georgios I. (Greece), 691 Gera, 669 Gerki, 210

German East Africa, 613 German, South-West Africa, 612 German Empire, agriculture, 594

— area, 576

— army, 588-590

— banks, 607

— beer brewed, 598

— births, deaths, and marriages, 579

— books of reference, 608

— Bundesrath, 574, 575

— canals and navigations, 605

— colonies and dependencies, 610

— commerce, 598

— constitution and government, 573

— crops, 595

— currency and credit, 607

— customs valuation, 599

— debt, 587

— defence and fortresses, 587

— — frontier, 587 army, 588

— defence, navy, 590

— diplomatic representatives, 608

— education, 581

— emigi-ation, 579

— emperor and king, 572

— emperors since 800, 572, 573

— exports and imports, 599-602 — finance, 585

— fisheries, 597

— foreign dependencies, 610

— foreigners resident in, 578

— forestry, 596

— illegitimacy, 579

— inhabited houses, 577

— instruction, 581

— justice and crime, 583

— manufactures, 597

— marriages, 579

— Matricular Beitriige, 586

— mining and minerals, 596, 597

— money, weights, and measures, 607

— navigation, 602

— navy, 590-593

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