< Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu
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England and Wales, police force, 42

— population, 14-20

— property assessed, 51

— posts and telegraphs, 93-95

— railways, 91

— religion, 28

— taxation, imperial, 50 ; local, 55

— textile factories, 77

— towns and cities, 18

— universities, 34 Enkeldoorn, 213

Entre Minlio e Douro, 880

Entre Kios (Arg. Rep.), 345

Enzeli, 862

Equator (Congo State), 479

Equatorial Province (Sudan), 1123

Erfurt, 580, 660

Eritrea, 757

Erivan, 916

Erlangen University, 583

Ernst, Duke (Saxe-Altenburg), 670

Ernst Ludwig Grand-Duke (Hesse),

638 Erzeroum, 1079, 1080 Eskilstuna, 1030 Esmeraldas (Ecuador), 500 Espirito Santo (Brazil), 436 Essen, 580, 660 Essene (W. Africa), 209 Essequibo, 239, 838 Esslingen, 688 Estremadura, 880 Eten (Peru), 872 Ethiopia, 336 Euboca, 963

Europe, British colonies in, 105 Evora, 880, 881 Exeter, 18 Exuma (Bahamas) 244

FAEROE ISLANDS, 489 Fakaafo Islands, 332 Faizabad, 135

Falashas (of Abyssinia), 336 Falkland Islands, 238 Falls, the (Congo State), 478 Falmouth (Jamaica), 246 Famagusta, 119 Fanning Island, 332 Faridkot, 132 Farukhabad, 135 Fashoda, 1123 Fayoum, 1107


Fazogli (Sudan), 1123

Felegyhaza, 391

Ferdinand, Prince (Bulgaria), 1094

Ferencz Canal, 400

Fernando Po, 1023

Ferrara, 725 ; University, 735

Fez, 799, 800, 801

Fezzan, 341

Fife (Central Africa), 192

Fiji, area, 253

— births and deaths, 253

— books of reference, 256

— commerce, 255

— communications, 256

— constitution and government, 253

— customs valuation, 255

— exports, 255 '^

— finance, 254

— governor, 253

— imports, 255

— instruction, 254

— money, weights, and ineasures, 256 — ■ population, 253

— production and iudustr}^, 254

— religion, 254

— shipping, 256

— sugar mills, 254 Finland, 907, 909, 912, 968

— agriculture, 969

— area, 912

— army, 938

— births, deaths, and marriages,

914, 969

— commerce, 970

— crime, 969

— exports and imports, 971

— finance, 969

— government, 909

— industry, 969

— instruction, 969

— iron, 970

— money, weights, and measures,


— pauperism, 969

— population, 912, 968

— posts and telegraphs, 972

— railways, 971

— shipping and navigation, 971

— university, 969 Finschhafen (W. Pacific), 614 Firozpur, 135

Fiunie, 389, 391, 400

Flanders, 412

Flint Island (Pacific), 332

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