THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1899
Cape of Good Hope, books of refer- ence, 191, 192
— commerce, 188
— communications, 190
— constitution and government, 182,
— customs valuation, 188
— debt, 187
— defence, 187
— expenditure and revenue, 186
— exports, 188, 189
— finance, 186
— governor, 183
— imports, 188, 189
— instruction, 185
— justice and crime, 186
— money, weights, and measures, 191
— pauperism, 186
— population, 184
— posts and telegraphs, 190
— production and industry, 187
— railways and tramways, 190
— religion, 185
— shipping and navigation, 190
— troops at, 104
— University, 185
— and the Dutch, 838 Cape Haiti, 709, 710
Cape Town, 184; University, 185
Cape Verde Islands, 890, 891
Caracas, 1135
Carbonear, 242
Carchi (Ecuador), 500
Cardenas, 1171
Cardiff, 18 ; College, 34 ; Port, 75, 90
Cargados Islands, 202
Carinthia, 370, 371
Carl Alexander (Saxe- Weimar), 674
Carlos I. (Portugal), 877
Carniola, 370, 371
Carol I. (Rumania), 895
Caroline Island, 332
— Islands, 1023 Carriacou, 249 Cartagena, 472 Cartago (Costa Rica), 482 Carthagena, 1013
Casa Bianca (Dar-al-Baida), 800
Caserta, 725
Caspian Sea, 912, 950, 960, 961
Castamouni, 1079
Castlemaine, 312
Castries (S. Lucia), 249
Catamarca, 345
Catania, 725 ; University, 735
Catanzaro, 725
Cauca, 472
Caucasus, 911-921, 947, 949, 951, 963
Cauquenes, 446
Cautin, 446
Cawnpur, 135
Cayenne (Guiana), 569
Cayman Islands, 247
Ceara, 436
Celebes, Island of, 829, 830
Central Africa (British), 192
Central Africa Protectorate (British),
193 Central Asia, 912-915 Central India, Native States, area,
&c., 131 Central Provinces (India), area, kc,
religion, 136
revenue and expenditure, 143
Central Sudan States, 342
Cephalonia, 693
Cerro de Pasco mines, 872, 873
Cerro Largo (Uruguay), 1127
Cette, 513, 536
Cettinje, 796-798
Ceuta, 801, 1012
Ceylon, area, 113
— banks, 117 ; books of reference, 118
— commerce, 116
— communications, 117
— constitution and government, 112
— customs valuation, 116
— defence, 115
— dependency (Maldive Islands), 118
— exports and imports, 116
— finance, 115
— governor, 112
— immigration, 113
— industry, 116
— instruction, 114
— justice and crime, 115
— military expenditure, 104, 115
— money, weights, and measures, 118
— pauperism, 115
— population, 113
— production, 116
— railways, 117
— religion, 114
— shipping, 117
— towns, 114
— troops in, 104
Chaco, 345