Audros Island, 244 Angdaphoiang (Rhutau), 428 Angeles (Chile), 446 Angers, 513 Angol, 446 Angola, 892 Angora (own), 1080
— (Vilayet), 1079 Angouleme, 513 Angra, 880 Angra Pequena, 612 Anguilla, 247 Anhalt, area, 619
— constitution, 619
— finance, 620
— population, 619
— reigning duke, 618 Ankobar, 336 Annabon, 1023 Annani, 545-548 Antalo, 336
Antananarivo, 558, 559 Antigua, 247, 248, 250, 251 Antioquia (Colombia), 472 Antipodes Island (N.Z.), 287, 332 Antivari, 796, 797 Antofagasta, 446, 452 Antsirame, 561
Antwerp, province, 412
— town, 414 Apia (Samoa), 982 Appenzell (cantons), 1058, 1060 Apulia, 720
Aqua-town (Kamerun), 612
Aquila degli Abruzzi, 725
Arabia, 1080
Arad, 391
Aral Lake, 912
Arauco, 446
Arcadia, 693
Archipelago (Turkish), 1079
Arequipa, 868 ; University, 870
Arezzo, 725
Argentine Republic, agriculture, 350
— area, 345
— army, 348
— banks, 353
— books of reference, 354
— cattle industry, 350
— commerce, 350
— constitution, 344
— currency and credit, 353
— defence, 348
— diplomatic representatives, 354
Argentine Republic, emigration, 346
— exports, 351, 352
— linance, 347
— government, 344 local, 344
— immigration, 346
— imports, 351, 352
— instruction, 346, 347
— Jewish Colony, 350
— justice, 347
— land under cultivation, 350
— money, weights, and measures, 354
— navy, 349
— population, 345
— posts and telegraphs, 353
— president, 344
— production and industry, 350
— railways, 353
— religion, 346
— revenue and expenditure, 347, 348
— shipping and navigation, 353
— Welsh Colony (Chubut), 350 Argolis, 693
Arica, 869
Armenia, 1079
Arnhem, 811
Arnstadt, 684
Arolsen, 685
Arta, 693, 1080
Artigas (Uruguay), 1127
Aruba Island (W. Indies), 839
Aruwimi, 478
Asaba, 210
Ascension Island, 180
Ascoli Piceno, 725
Ashanti (W. Africa), 215
Asia, Central (Russian), 912-914
— British colonies in, 108
— French colonies in, 546-550
— Portuguese colonies in, 890
— Russian dependencies in, 972 Asia Minor, 1079
Asmar, 338 Assab, 757
Assam, 129, 136, 143, 147 Assiniboia, 223 Assinic, 563 Assiout, 1107 Assuan, 1123 Assumption Island, 202 Astrakhan, 915 Asuncion, 852-854 Atacama, 446
Atakpame, 611