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Agriculture. Essai de statistique agricole, 1887 and 1888. By Boinet Bey. Cairo, 1888 and 1889. Despatch from Sir Evelyn Baring inclosing Report on the Condition of the Agricultural Population in Egypt. London, 1888. Notes on Egyptian Crops. Cairo, 1896. Manures and Soil Exhaustion in Egypt. Cairo, 1896.

Finance. Correspondence respecting the State Domains of Egypt. London, 1883. Memorandum on the Land Tax of Egypt. Cairo, 1884. Report on the Financial Position of Egypt. Cairo, 1884. Reports on the Finances of Egypt, 1884-87. Cairo. Statement of the Revenue and Expenditure of Egypt, together with a List of the Egyptian Bonds and the Charges for their Services. London, 1885. Report on the Finances of Egypt. London, 1888-95. L'administration financiere 1884-87 et la modification du regime fiscal des tabacs en Egypte. 1887. Convention between the Governments of Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungar) , France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, relative to the Finance of Egypt, signed at London, March 18, 1885. London, 18S5. Con-espondence respecting the Settlement of the Claims of the ex-Khedive Ismail and his Family. London, 1888.— La Propri6t6 fonciere en Egypte, by Yacoub Artin Pasha. Boulaq, 1884 [Translated into Arabic by Amoon, and into English by Van Dyck].— Compte General de 1' Administration des Finances. Annual. Cairo.

Handbook of the Sudan. By Captain Count Gleichen. Compiled in the Intelligence Division of the War Office. London, 1898.

Instruction. L'Instruction publique en Egypte, by Yacoub Artin Pasha. Paris, 1889. —Considerations sur I'Instruction publique en Egypte, by the same. Cairo, 1894.

Judicial. Correspondence respecting the Mixed Courts and Judicial Reforms. London, 1884.

Monetary. La R^forme Mon^taire en Egj-pt«. Cairo, 1886. Note on the Currency of Egypt. Cairo, 1885. Not« on the Proposed Monetary Law. By Sir E. Vincent, Cairo,


Population. Rencensement G6n6ral de I'Egypte. Tomes I. and II. Cairo, 1885.

Report on the Nile and Country between Dongola, Suakin, Kassala, and Omdurman. 2nd ed. London, 1898.

Sudan. Report on the Egyptian Provinces of the Soudan, Red Sea, and Equator. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch of the Quartermaster-General's Department, Horse Guards, War Office. London, 1884. Report on the Soudan, by Lieut -Colonel Stewart. London, 1883.

Suez Canal. Report by the British Directors on the provisional Agreement with M. de Lesseps. London, 1883. Correspondence respecting the proposed International Convention for securing the free Navigation of the Suez Canal. London, 1888. Le Canal de Suez, published every ten days. Paris. Returns of Shipping and Tonnage. Annual. London.

Trade. Le Commerce Exterieur de I'Egypt. Annual. Alexandria. — Bulletin Mensuel du Comnierce Exterieur de I'Egypte. Alexandria. — Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries, &c. London.

War Office Library Catalogue. Wingate Bey. London, 1894.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Alford (H. S.) and Sword (W. D.), The Egyptian Sudan : Its Loss and Recovery. Lon-

Atteridge (A. H.), Towards Khartoum, the Soudan War of 1896. London, 1897.

Baedefccr's Lower Egypt. 4th edit, 1898. Upper Egypt 8. London, 1892.

Ball (E. A. R.), Cairo of To-Day. [Guide-Book]. London, 1897.

Barr^ (P.), Fachoda et le Bahr-el-Ghazal. Paris, 1898.

Boulger (D. C), Life of Gordon. London, 1897.

Bourguet'(A.), La France et I'Angleterre en Egypte. Paris, 1897.

Butcher (E. T.), The Story of the Church of Egypt. 2 vols. London, 1897.

Broderick (Miss) and Sayce (Prof.), Handbook for Egypt (Murray's). 8. London, 1896.

Brown (R. H.), Faytm and Lake Moeris. 4. London, 1892. History of tlie Barrage.

Cairo 1896.

Brugsch-Bey (Henri), Histoire d'Egypte. 2nd edit. Leipzig, 1875.

Burleigh (B.), Sirdar and Kiialifa. London, 1898. Khartoum Campaign, 1898. London,


Cameron (D. A.), Egypt in the Nineteenth Century. London, 1898. Casati (G.), Ten Years in Equatoria. New Ed. London, 1898. Chilu (A), Le Nil, le Soudan, I'Egypte. Paris, 1891 Duff-Oordon (Lady), Last Letters from Egypt 8. London, 1875.

Ebers (Georg), Aegypten in Bild und Wort. Fol. Stuttgart, 1879. Egypt.'Eescriptive, Historical, and Picturesque. [Translation by Clara Bell.] 2 vols. London.

Egyptian Institute. Khedivial Geographical Society. Monthly Reports. Cairo. Ftrcks (A. F. von), .ffigypten, 1894 ; Staatsrechtliche Verhaltnisse, <6c. 2 pts. Berlin,


dessi (F.), Setti anni nil Sudan egiziano. Milan, 1891.

Hake (A. E.), Gordon in China and the Soudan. London, 1886.

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