Money, Weights, and Measures.
10 Milliemcs
Piastre Tarif (written P.T.).
£1 Egyptian. 97^ P.T. 774% P.T. ammes '875 fine, and therefore contains
1,000 Millicmes or 100 P.T. £1 sterling .... Napoleon, gold piece of 20 francs
The Egyptian pound weighs 8 "5 grj 7 '4375 grammes of fine gold.
The 10-piastre silver piece weighs 12*5 grammes "900 fine, and therefore contains 11 "25 grammes of fine silver.
A thorough reform was eH"ected of the Egyptian silver coinage during 1885 and 1886, when 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20-piastre pieces were issued, which are legal tender up to £E2. Previously the coins of nearly all the countries of Europe were freelj' used, but now foreign silver cannot be passed except at a heavy discount.
By a decree of the Khedive, dated August 1, 1875, the metrical system of weights and measures was ordered to be introduced into Egypt on the 1st of Januar}-, 1876, compulsory only at first in all public and adminis- trative transactions.
Dry Measure.
The Arcleh is used as the unit in all transactions in grain, &c., and is equal to 5 "44739 bushels.
The approximate weight of the ardeb is as follows : — Wheat, 315 rottles ; beans, 320 rottles ; barley, 250 rottles ; maize, 315 rottles ; cotton seed, 270.
Weights. Okieh . . . . = 1-3206 ounce. Eottle . . . . = -99049 lb. Oke . . . . = 2-7513 lbs.
Cantar {^^" ^3^^^ g°*^f « °^j = 99-0492 lbs.
Length Measures
Inches Diraa Baladi {town) ..... = 22-8350 Diraa Mimari for building, &c. . . . = 29 5281 ^as5«&a^ = 3 -88 yards . . . . = 139-7663
Measures of Surface.
Feddan, the unit of measure for land, == 333g sq. kassabahs = 1 "03808 acre.
Square Pic. — This measure is generally used for the measuring of building sites, gardens, and other small plots of ground, and is equal to about 6 square feet and 7 inches.
Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.
Cairo. — Her Majesty^ s Agent and Gonsul-General in Egypt, Minister Plenipotentiary.— NiscoxmiCvomQx, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., CLE.
Secretary. — Rennell Rodd, C.M.G.
Consul at Alexandria. — E. B. Gould.
Consul in Cairo. — Raphael Borg, C.M.G.
There are also Consular representatives at Tantah, Zagazig, Port Said,
Suez, Suakin.