1104 EGYPT
Deschamps (G.), Sur les Routes d'Asie. Paris, 1S94.
Fellows (sii- C), Travels and Researches in Asia Minor and Syria. S. London, 1839.
Geary (Grattan), Asiatic Turkey. 2 vols. 8. London, 187S.
(iregorCiS!. Ter), History of Armenia. London, 1897.
Harris (J. R. and H. B.), Letters from the Scenes of the Recent Massacres in Armenia. London, 1897.
Harris (W. B.), A Journey through Yemen. 8. London, 1893.
Hepworth(G. H.), Through Armenia on Horseback. London, 1898.
Hirsch (L.), Reisen in Siid-Arabien, Mahra-Land, uud Hadramiit. Leiden, 1897.
Historical Sketch of Armenia and the Armenians. By an Old Indian. London, 1896.
Hodgetts (E. A. B.), Round about Armenia. 8. London, 1890.
Hogarth (D. G.), A Wandering Scholar in the Levant. 2nd ed. London, 1897.
Huma7in (C), Reisen in Kleinen Asien und Nordsyrien. 8. Berlin, 1890.
Isaverdentz (H.), Histoire de I'Armenie. Fol. Venice, 1888.
Keane (A. H.) and Temple (Sir R.), Asia. London, 1882.
Kaunenberg (K.), Kleinasiens Naturschiitze. Berlin, 1897.
Leake (W. M.), Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor. 8. London, 1824.
Lepsius (J.), Armenia and Eurojte : An Indictment. London, 1897.
MacCoan (J. C), Our New Protectorate. [Turkey in Asia.] 2 vols. S. London, 1879.
jVacdona?d (A.), The Land of Ararat. 8. Loudon, 1893.
Palgrave (W. G.), Ulysses or Scenes and Studies in Many Lands. 8. London, 1887.
Paterson (J. G.), From Bombay through Babylonia [Missionary Travels.] Glasgow, 1896.
Pertius (Comte de), Le Desert de Syi-ie. Paris, 1896.
Peters (J. P.), Nippur : Explorations and Adventures on the Euphrates. Vol. I. London, 1897.
Ramsay (W. M.), The Cities and Bishopricks of Phrygia. 2 vols. Oxford, 1897. — Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London, 1890. — Impressions of Tm-key during Twelve Years' Wanderings. London, 1^97. — Also, Every-day Life in Turkey, by Mrs. Ramsay. London, 1897.
iJecZus(Elisee),Nouvelle Geographic Universelle. Vols. IX and XL 8. Paris, 1884 and 1886.
Rohlfs (Gerhard), Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien, 1868-69. 2 vols. 8. Bremen, 1871. Reise vom Tripolis nach der Oase Kufra. 8. Leipzig, 1881.
Rossi (G. B.), Nei Paesi d'lslani in Barberia, in Egitto, (fee. Rome, 1897.
Schwarz (Dr. B.), Quer durch Bithynien. 8. Berlin. 1889.
Smith (G. A.), Historical Geography of the Holy Land. New ed. London, 1897.
Thompson (G. E.), Life in Tripoli, with a peep at Ancient Carthage. 8. Liverpool, 1894.
Tozer (H. F.), Turkish xVrmenia and Eastern Asia Minor. S. London, 1881.
Warkworth (Lord), Notes from a Diarv in Asiatic Turkey. London, 1898.
Warner (C. D.), In the Levant. 2 vols. 8. London, 1892.
Wilson (Sir C. W.), Handbook (Murray's) for Travellers in Asia Minor, Transcaucasia Persia, &c. London, 1S95.
(Kemi — MiSR.)
Reigning Khedive. Abbas Hilmi, born July 14, 1874; son of Mohamed Tewfik ; succeeded to the throne on the death of his father, January 7, 1892; married Princess Ikbal Hanem ; offspring: Princess Emina Hanem, born February 12, 1895; Princess Atiatou-llah, born June 9, 1896 ; Princess Fathieh Hanem, born December 1897; Prince , born February 20, 1899. He has
one brother, Mohamed Aly, born October 28, 1875, and two sisters, Khadija Hanem, born May 2, 1879, and Nimet-Hanem, born Nov. 6, 1881.
The present sovereign of Egypt is the seventh ruler of the dynasty of Mehe-
niet Ali, appointed Governor of Egypt in 1806, who made himself, in 1811,