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by foreign 10 and 20 franc pieces. There are silver coins of h, 1, 2, and 5 levs (francs); nickel coins of 21, 5, 10, and 20 centime jneces; copper coins of 5 and 10 centime pieces; the notes of the National Bank circulate at par.

BrUisJo Agent and Consul-G-eneral at Sofia. — F. E. H. Elliot.

There are Vice-Consuls at Sofia, Philippopolis, Rustchuk and Yarna, and an acting Consular Agent at Bourgas.

Books of Reference concerning Sulgaria.

Foreign Oftice Reports. Annual iSeries. S. London.

Handbook of the Armies of Bul;,^aria, Greece, Montenegro, Rumania, and Servia. By Capt .W. E. Fairholme and Capt. Count Gleichen. London, 1895.

Commerce de la Principaute de Bulgarie avec les Pays etrangers. Annual. Sofia.

Mouvement de la Population de la Principaute de Bulgarie. Annual. Sofia.

Statistique des Ecoles dans la Principaute de Bulgarie, 1894-95. Sofia, 1897.

Bulgarien und der bnlgarisclie Fiirstenhof. Yon einem Uiploinaten. Berlin, 1S9G.

Bath (Marquis of), Observations on Bulgarian Affairs. S. London, 1880.

Beaman (A. H.)> M. Stambuloff. [In series of 'Public Men of to-day.] London, 1895. — Twenty Years in the ^.sear East. London, 1898.

Cholet (Count A. P. de), Etude sur la Guerre bulgaro-serbe. Paris, 1891.

Dicey (E.), The Peasant State: An Account of Bulgaria in 1894. 8. London, 1894.

Drandar (A. G.), Les Evenements politiques en Bulgarie depuis 1876jusqu' a nos jours. Paris, 1896.

Huhn (Major A. von). The Struggle of the Balkans for National Independence under Prince Alexander. London, 188(5.

Ivantchotf(T.), iVrticle Bulgarie" in " Dictionnaire du Commerce, de I'lndustrie, et de la Banque." Paris, 1898.

Jirecek {C), Das Flirstenthum Bulgarien. AVien, 1891.

Kanitz (¥.), Donau-Bulgarien und der Balkan, 1800-75. .3 vols. 4. Leipzig, 1875-79.

Lamourhe (L.), La Bulgarie dans le passe et le present. Paris, 1892.

Lefier(lj.), La Save, le Danube, et le Balkan. Paris, 1S84.

Miller (\\.), The Balkans. In -'Story of the Nations" Series. 8. London, 1896.— Travels and Politics in the Near East. London, 1S98.

Minchin (J. G. C), The Growth of Freedom in the Balkan Peninsula. 8. London, 1886

Eegenspursk]/ (C), Die Kampfe bei Slivnitza, 1885. Wien, 1895.

Samuelson (J.), Bulgaria Past and Present. 8. London, 188S.

St. Clair (S. G. B.)and Brophy (C. A.), Twelve Years' Study of the Eastern Questiou in Bulgaria. 8. London. 1877.


The Island of Crete, taken by Turkey in 1669, was held as an Asiatic vilayet under direct Turkish rule until 1897, when, after 80 years of almost continuous insurrection, an agreement was made between the intervening Powers and the Porte that autonomous government shoidd be granted to the Island imder the suzerainty of the Porte. For the preservation of order the l>orts have, since 1896, been occupied by the naval and military forces of Great Britain, Fi-ance, Russia, and Italy (Germany and Austria having withdrawn), but, by November, 1898, the Tuikish forces had left the island, a ])rovisional scheme of administration had been put in force, and a governor with the title of High Commissioner had been appointed. The disarmament of the inhabitants is now proceeding; the National Assembly comftrises representa- tives of all parties, and the Council, constituted in Januaiy, 1899, consists of 16 membeis (12 Christian and 4 ^Moslem). The Cretan Constitution, which has been drafted, provides that the Chamber shall consist of deputies elected by the inhabitants, with ten members nominated by the Higii Conmiissioner, and will be convoked every two years. The executive ])Ower will be vested in the High Commissioner assisted by responsible councillors. All religious beliefs are to l)e ecpially protected. Service in the Municipal (luard is to be compulsory. The oliicial language; will be Greek.

Hii/h Cominissioner. — Piince George of Greece, son of tlif King of the Hellenes, born June 24, 1869; assumed office December 21, 1898.

The Island is about 160 miles in length, and from 6 to 35 miles in breadth,

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