Below is a list of the vaiious lines in Europe ami Asia which were open for traffic oil August 13, 1897 : —
Lines of Railwjiv Miles open
Oonstantinoplo-Aiulrianople-Moustafa-Pacha . . . 222
Salouica-Usku])-Mitrovitza 227
Dedeagati'h-Audriauople ....... 92
Uskub-Zibsftchti ........ 53
Salonica — Constantinople Junction, with l)ranclies . . 316
Salonica-Monastiv . . . . . , . .136
Sniyrnri-l^iner with ])rauches ... . . 324
Sniyri-.a-Allashehr with branches ..... 284
Moudania-liroussa .... ... 26
Mersina-Adana ........ 40
Jaffa- Jerusalem . ...... 54
Haidar- Pacha Angora ....... 360
Beyrouth -Damascus- Hauran . . . . . .132
Eski-shehr-Konieh ........ 276
Total 2,542
The amount of guarantee paid by the State to different companies was about £T650. 000.
There are 1,649 Turkish ])ost-oflices in the Eni]>ire. In the year 1892-93 the inland service transmitted 8,165,000 letters and postcards, and 2,297,000 samples and printed papers ; the international service transmitted 2,666,000 letters and ])ost-cards, and 1,080,000 samples and printed papers.
The length of telegrapli lines in Turkey is about 21,800 miles, and the length of wire about 33,760 miles. There are 1,649 telegiapli offices in Europe ami Asia. Annual receipts, 21,359,000 piastres; expenditure, 7,237,000 piastres.
Money, Weights, and Measures of Turkey.
On September 30, 1898, the situation of the Imperial Ottoman Bank was as follows : —
Cash in hand 2,180,000
Note circulation 817,000
Private accounts current ..... 6,729,000
Treasury accounts current ..... 1,436,000
Portfolio 1,775,000
Advances 4,226,000
The gold coinage of Turkey issued since 1891 amounts to the nominal valu'" of 179,044,000 ])iastres, including the recoinage of Turkish pounds, 10,220,000 piastres, and of English sovereigns, 146,^909,000 piastres. The silver coinage since 1891 amounts to the nominal value of 51,261,810 piastres.
£ s.
The Turkish Liia, or gold Medjidic . Piastre, 100 to the Lira ..... ,, ,, beshlik-altilik and metallic currency averaging 105 to the Lira . . . . 206
Large accounts are frequently, as in the official budget estimates, set down in ' purses ' of 500 Med jidie piastres, or 5 liras. The ' jmrse ' is calculated
as worth 4Z. 10s. sterling. The gold Z,i/Yt weighs 7 '216 grammes "916 fine,