members engaged in the liquor traffic was 191,519, and the employees 241,755. Consumption of Liquors The total production of liquors in the country is not, of course, the same as the consumption. Large quantities of the liquors produced are exported every year, and of the exports considerable is returned. There are, in addition, large quan- tities imported for consumption. The quantity of distilled spirits withdrawn from bond for consumption for any year may be less or more than the production for the same year. The Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department has for a number of years published a table giving the total and per capita consumption of distilled spirits, wines, and malt liquors. The facts for certain years from 1840 to 1896 are reported from this table in the following statement :
GALLONS OF DISTILLED SPIRITS, WINES, AND MALT LIQUORS CON- SUMED IN THE UNITED STATES, VARIOUS YEARS, 1&40 TO 1898 [From the reports of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department]
Year ending' June 30 Distilled Spirits (a) W INES DOMESTIC Imported Total Domestic Imported Total From Fruit All Other 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1896 1897 1898 (c) (c) ic) 1,223,830 1,005,781 rfl,440,810 1,146,131 1,411,448 40,378,090 46,768,083 83,904,258 77.260,368 61,126,634 (768,069,563 69,789,991 79,207,887 2,682,794 5,065,890 6,064,393 1,405,510 1,394,279 1,541,504 2,230,711 916,549 43,060,884 51,833,473 89,968,651 79,895,708 63,520,694 71,051,877 73,166,833 81,535,884 124,734 221,249 1,860,008 3,059,518 23,298,940 14,599,757 38.940,819 20,567,317 4,748,862 6,094,622 9,199,133 9,105,549 5,030,001 4,101,649 4,647,988 3,113,633 4,873,096 6,315.871 11,059,141 12,225,067 28,829,541 18,701.406 38,588.307 23,680,950 Year t-ndinp June 30 Malt Liquors Total Con- sumption of Wines and Li(iuors Consumption per Capita Domestic (h) Im- ported Total Dis- tilled Spirits (a) Wines Malt Liq- uors All Liquors and Wines 1840 ls.50 IsOd 1870 18S0 1896 1897 1898 23,162,571 30,361. 7(ts l()0,225,s79 2(13,743.401 413,2ns,ssr) 1.077,325,034 l,O()0,3O7,7O4 1,100,651,991 148,272 201,301 1,120,790 1.012.755 1.011,2s(i 3,300,531 3,002,5.58 2,457,348 23,310,843 36,503,(Ui<t 101,340.6(;'.i 204.750,150 414,220,165 1, (ISO, 020, 105 1.009,810.262 1,163,109,339 71,244,823 94,712,353 202,374,401 296,S70.931 506,076,400 1,170,379,448 1.181,065,402 1,268,326,173 2.52 2.23 2.86 2.07 1.27 1.00 1.01 1.10 0.29 .27 .35 .32 .56 .26 .53 .28 1.36 1.58 3.22 5.31 8.26 15.16 14.69 15.64 4.17 4.08 6.44 7.70 10.09 16.42 16.22 17.05
(a) Proof gallons. (6) Product less exports.
(c) Included \vith "All other."
(d) Includes domestic spirits exported and returned.