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Hohson (Mrs. Carey), At Home in the Transvaal. New ed. 8. London, 1896.
■Jeppe{¥.), Notes on some of the Physical and Geological Features of the Transvaal, in 'Journal of the Royal Geographical Society,' 1877. Local Laws of the South African Re- public, from 1819-1885, revised by Chief Justice Kotzc. Pretoria, 1887. The Zoutpans- berg Goldflelds, 'The Geographical Journal.' London, Sei>teajber, 1693.
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Truscott (S. J.), The Witswatersrand Goldflelds Banket and Mining Practice. London, 1898. '
Reigning Sovereign and Queen Regent.
Alfonso XIII., son of the late King Alfonso XII. and Maria Christina, daughter of the late Karl Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria; born after his father's death, May 17, 1886, succeeding by his birth, being a male, his eldest sister.
Maria Christina, mother of the King, took oath as Queen Regent during the minority of her son.
Sisters of the King. — I. Maria-dc-las- Mercedes, Queen till the birth of her brother, born September 11, 1880. II. Maria Teresa, born November 12, 1882.
Aunts of the King.— ^. Ini^nto. Isabel, born December 20, 1851 ; married,
May 13, 1868, to Gaetan, Count de Girgenti ; widow, November 26, 1871.