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Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Servia. 1. Official Publications.

Almanac for 1807 (Servian).

Criminal Statistics, 1888-90. Belgrade, 189fi.

Srpske Noviue (Official Gazette).

Statisticki godisnjak Kraljeviue Srbije. (Annuaire Statistiiiue du Royauiiic de Serbic.) I. 1894. Belgrade, 1896.

Drzavopis Srbije (Servian Statistics). Vols. I. — XXI. Belgrade, 1803-95.

Deiitsches Handels-Archiv for August and November, 1897. Berlin.

Statistike Kraljevine Srbije. (Statistique du Royaumc de Serine.) Vols. I.— IV. Bel- grade, 1892-95,

Priloxl ze Statlstick Kraljevine Srbije. (Materiaux pour la Statistique du Royauine de Serbie.) Part I. Belgrade, 1895.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. 8. London.

Handbook of the Ajniies of Bulgaria, Greece, Servia, &c. By Captain Fairliolme and Captain Count Gleichen. London, 1893.

Recensement de la Terre cultivee en 1893. Belgrade, 1897.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Balme (M.), La principaute de Serbie. 8. Paris, 1880.

Boskovitch (St.), La mission de Serbie dans la question d'Orieut. Florence, 1887.

Coquelle (P.), Le Royaume de Serbie. 12. Paris, 1894.

Coiirriere (C), Histoire de la litterature contemporaine clicz les Slaves. Piiris, 1879.

Cuniherti (F.), La Serbia e la dinastia degli Obrenovitch, 1804-93. Torino, 1893.

"For the King and Fatherland" (in Servian), a semi-official publication, relating the historical events of the 1st and 2nd April, 1893.

Gamhier{3. W., Captain, R. V.), Servia. London, 1878.

Gubernatig (Comte A. de), La Serbie et les Serbes. Paris, 1898.

Holland (Thomas Erskine), The European Concert on the Eastern Question. Oxford, 1885.

Jakchich (Vladimir), Recueil statistique sur les contrees serbes. 8. Belgrade, 1875.

J?'anjf^(F.), Serbien: Historisch-ethnographische Reisestudien aus den Jahren 1859-68. 4. Leipzig, 1868.

Karib(V.), Srbija (a description of the country, people, and state, in Servian). Belgrade, 1888.

Laveleye (Emile de), The Balkan Peninsula. 2 vols. London, 1887.

Leger (L.), La Save, le Danube, et le Balkan. Paris, 1884.

Mackenzie (A. Muir), Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey in Europe. 3rd edition. 2 vols. London, 1887.

Mijatovitch (Elodie Lawton), The History of Modern Serbia. 8. London, 1872.

Milichevich (M. G ), The Principality of Servia. (In Servian.) Belgrade, 1876.

Milichevich (M. G.), The Kingdom of Servia. (In Servian.) Belgrade, 1884.

Miller (Vf.), The Balkans. In " Story of the Nations" Series. 8. London, 1896.— Travels and Politics in the Near East. London, 1898.

Millet (Rene), La Serbie economique et coramerciale. Paris, 1889.

Minchin (J. G. C), The Growth of Freedom in the Balkan Peninsula. London, 1886.

Otadgbina (the Fatherland). Servian Monthly Periodical. Edited by Dr. Vladan Georgevich since 1875.

Pearson (Miss E. M.) and McLaughlin (Miss L. E.), Service in Servia under the Red Cross. London, 1S77.

lianke (L. von), The History of Servia and the Servian Revolution. London, 1853, translated by Mrs. Alex. L. Kerr. Die serbische Revolution. Berlin, 1878.

Reinach (J.), La Serbie et le Montenegro. Paris, 1876.

Right (Dr. Alfred), Adventures in Servia. London, 1884.

Salusbury (Pliili]i H. B.), Two months with Tchcrnajcff in Servia. London, 1877.

Taillandier (Saint-Rene), La Serbie au XIXe siecle. Paris, 1872.

Tuma (A.), Serbien. Hannover, 1894.

Vivian (H.), Servia, the Poor Man's Paradise. London, 1897.

Yovanovich (Vladimir), Les Serbes, &c. Paris, 1870.

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