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4 squadrons, with one mounted battery and 1 munition column ; 416 men of the body-guard, in 2 squadrons ; mountain artillerv, 1,158 men, in 2 sections of 3 batteries ; special troops, 2,469 men, in 1 regiment of fortress and 1 park of siege artillery; 1 munition column, &c., with 2,535 men ; pioneers, 1,565 men; railway troops, miners, telegraphists, &c., 3,934 men — in all, 14,863 men. In addition to these, there are the depot troops: infantry, 31,440 men, in 20 battalions ; cavalry, 1,275 men, in 5 squadrons ; artillery, engineers, and pioneers, 2,928 men — total, 35,643 men. The total strength of the mobilised regular army and its reserve is thus 160,751 ; while in the National militia the first ban contains 126,610 men, and the second ban 66,005 men. The full war strength of Servia is thus 353,366 men.

The State possesses only one steamer, which is used exclusively for military purposes.

Production and Industry.

Servia is an agricultural country, Avhere almost every peasant cultivates liis own freehold. The holdings vary in size from 10 to 30 acres mostly. In 1893 the number of proprietors Avas 322,505, or 85*96 per cent, of the heads of households in Servia. Of the total area (4,830,260 hectares), 1,214,370 hectares Avere under cereals and other farm crops ; 60,990 hectares under vines ; 104,066 hectares were orchard ; 599,140 hectares meadows and natural grass ; 484,172 hectares forest ; 244,330 hectares marsh-land, &c. ; 2,123,191 hectares unproductive. Of the area under cereals, 531,806 hectares yielded 2,374,824 metric quintals of maize ; 317,070 hectares, 2,374,824 quintals of wheat; 92,121 hectares, 548,211 quintals of barley ; 52,820 hectares, 334,479 quintals of rye; 105,965 hectares, 473,766 quintals of oats. Under tobacco were 1,432 hectares, yielding 14,931 metric quintals ; hemp, 13,432 hectares, yielding 49,748 metric quintals; flax, 1,825 hectares, yielding 5,611 metric quintals. The 60,990 hectares under vines jdelded 420,978 metric quintals of wine, and the 104,066 hectares under orchard yielded 7,330,719 quintals of plums and 184,727 quintals of other fruits.

Large numbers of cattle, sheep, and pigs are reared and exported. On January 1st, 1896, there were in Servia 169,928 horses ; 922,899 head of cattle ; 3,094,206 sheep ; 904,446 pigs; and 525,991 goats.

The national and communal forests are sujiervised by the administrative authorities. Cask staves are exported to Austria and France in great quantities.

Servia has considerable mineral resources, im;luding various kinds of coal, the total production of coal iu 1893 having l)ceu 64,000 tons. Besides coal there are iron, lead, silver, zinc, quieksilver, antimony, gold, asbestos, copper, and oil shales. Many concessions have been made to companies and private persons for working mines, and mining operations are also carried on by the State.

In 1893 there were 105 mills which ground 50,813,979 kilogrammes of flour ; 10 breweries which produced 55,205 hectolitres of beer ; and 26 other factories which turned out goods valued at 2,177,000 francs.


Tli.j following table shows the value of the imports and exports of Servia

for live years : —

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