Shipping and Communications.
Ill 1896, 338 vessels entered at tlic ports of the Republic, and as many cleared.
A railway connects the port of Acajutla with the inland towns of Santa Anna and Ateos Avith San Tecla ; total length, 72 miles. Other railways are being constructed. There are over 2,000 miles of good road in the Republic. Salvador joined the postal union in 1879. In 1893 there were 73 principal receiving offices, and 2,114,785 letters and packets were transmitted. In 1896 there were in Salvador 121 telegraph stations and 1,724 miles of telegraph wire. There were 660,682 messages transmitted. There are 18 telephone offices and 597 miles of telephone line.
Money, "Weights, and Measures.
The Dollar, of 100 centavos, approximate value is., real value 6| dollars = 1 ^.
In August, 1S97, a law was passed adopting the gold standard.
Weights and Measures,
Libra . . = 1 '014 lb. av. Qidntal. . = 101*40 lbs. av.
Arroha . . = 25 '35 lb. av. Fanega . . = 1^ bushel.
In 1885 the metrical system of weights and measures was introduced
Diplomatic Representatives.
1. Of Salvador in Great Britain.
Envoy and Minister. — Crisanto Medina. Secretary of Legation. — T. M. Torres. Consul -General and Agent. — L, Alexander Campbell. There are consular agents at London, Falmouth, Southampton, Manchester, Nottingham, Liverpool, Birmingham, and Glasgow.
2. Of Great Britain in Salvador.
Minister and Consul-General, — G. F. B. Jenner.
Consul— ^N. E. Coldwell.
Vice-Consuls at San Miguel and Acajutla.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Salvador.
Constitucion politica de la Republica del Salvador decretada por el Congreso Nacional Coustituyente el 4 de Diciembre de 18S3.
Directorio Postal de la Republica del Salvador, formado por la direccion General de Correos. San Salvador, 1896.
Leyes, Ordenes y Resoluciones de los Poderes Legislatives y Ejecutivos en 1889. 8. San Salvador, 1892.
American Consular Reports for February, August, September, and October, 1893 Washington.
Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. 8. London.
Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom. Imp. 4. Loudon.
Salvador. No. 58 of the Bulletins of the Bureau of the American Republics. Washing- ton, 1892.
Gonzalez {Dr. D.), Gcografia de Centro-America. San Salvador, 1S7S.