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Schuyler (Eugene), Turkestan : Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkestan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. 2 vols. 8. London, 1876.
Selvov (Semen), Lettres Russes. [On Social Subjects.] Paris, 1891.
SemenoffCS. P.), The Emancipation of Peasants. Vol. I. St. Petersburg, 1889.
Semenof (P. P.), Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire. (Russian.) 5 vols. 8. St. Petersburg, 1863-84.
Sierochevsl-y (V. A.), Description of Ethnographical Researches. Edited by N. E. Vesilofsky. St. Petersburg, 1896.
Simpson (J. Y.), Side- Lights on Siberia. Edinburgh, 1898.
Slantieff, Rgview of Hunts for Trade in Russia. Edited by Dep. of Agriculture (2 maps). St. Petersburg, 1891.
Stchapof (A.), The Intellectual Development of the Russian People. (Russian.) 8. St. Petersburg, 1870.
S<e237Mafc(E.), King Log and King Stork, a Study of Modern Russia. 2 vols. London 1896.
Stoddard (C. A.), Across Russia from the Baltic to the Danube. 8. London, 1892.
Strelbitzky (M.), Superficies de I'Europe. St. Petersburg, 1882.
Suvorin(A.), All Russia: a Directory of Industries, Agriculture, and Administration. (With a good Railway map.) St. Petersburg, 1895. (Russian.)
r/iO)7ij)son (H. M.), Russian Politics London 1895.
Thun, Industrie Central-Russlands
Tifc/iomM-otJ (L. A.), Russia Political and Social. [Translation from the French.] 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8. London, 1892.
Tweedie (Mr. A.), Through Finland in Carts. London, 1897.
Verstraete (M.), La Russie Industrielle. [Nijiii-Novgorod Exhibition]. Paris, 1897.
Wakefield (G.C.), Future Trade in the Far East. 8. London, 1890.
Waliszewski (K.), Peter the Great. [Eng. Trans.) 2 vols. London, 1897.
Wi7idt (H. de). The New Siberia. [Sakhalin and Eastern Siberia]. London, 1896
Wallace (Mackenzie), Russia. 2 vols. 8. I^ondon, 1877.
Wishaw (F. J.), Out of Doors in Tsarland. S. London, 1893.
Yadrinfsev, Siberia as a Colony. Second edition. St. Petersburg, 1892. (Russian.)
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Zhitkoff (S. M.), Short Revrew of Russia's Water-communications. Published by the Engineering Institute. St. Petersburg, 1892. With maps. (Russian.)
The Jeivs in littssia: —
Report of the Commissioners of Immigration upon the causes which incite immigration to the United States. [The chapters on the Jews in Russia, by J. B. Weber and W. Kempster, have been translated into French and issued separately under the title ' La Situation des Juifs en Russie. 'J 8. Washington, 1892.
Les Juifs de Russie. Recueil d'articles et d'etudes. 8. Paris, 1891.
Bershadsky (S.A.), The Lithuanian Jews. [In Russian.] St, Petersburg, 1883. Materials for the History of the Jews in Lithuania. [In Russian.] 2 vols. St. Peters- burg, 1802.
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Frederic (Harold), The New Exodus : a Study of Israel in Russia. 8. London, 1892.
Gradovsky (H. D.), La Situation legale des Israelites in Russie. Traduit du Russe. 8. Paris, 1890. In progress.
Novikor (Theodor), Das Jiiddische Russland. 8. Berlin, 1892.
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