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Institutions of the Navy (Sroti morskikh Postanovleniy),'[S volumes. St. Petersburg, 1SS8.

History of the Ministry of Domains for the Fifty Years of its Existence. St. Petersburg,! 887

Orloff and Budaijoff, Index of Manufactures in Eurojieau Russia. 3rd edition. St. Petersburg, 1S94.

A. Golubeff, Statistics of Mortgages in Russia {Statistika Dolgosrochnago Kredita), edited by the Congress of Representatives of Mortgage Banks. 3 vols. St. Petersburg, 1S94.

Erivenko, Short Description of the Governmental Institutions of Russia. 2nd edit. St. Petersburg, 1889.

Materials (Svod Materialov) relative to the Economical Conditions of the Peasants of Transcaucasia. 5 vols. Tiflis, 1886-91.

Materials (Materiabj) relative to the Economical Conditions of the Peasants and Indigenes of West Siberia. 18 parts. St. Petersburg, 1888-92.

Mutual Insurance against Fire n 1889-92, edited by the Central Statistical Committee. St. Petersburg, 1893

Collections of Laws (Sboi-nik uzakoneniy) issued on July 12, 1889, on the Peasants' Insti- tutions and Justices of the Peace. Edited by the Ministry of Interior. St. Petersburg, 1890.

Memoirs and Bulletins of the Russian Geographical Society and its Branches in Caucasus and Siberia.

Historical Review {Istoricheskiy Obzor) of the Measures taken by Government for Food Supply in Russia. Vol. I. St. Petersburg, 1892. Edited by Ministry of Interior.

Collection of Materials (Sbornik Materialov) for the Description of the land and In- habitants of Caucasus. Edited by the Ministry of Instruction. 25 vols. Tiflis, 1880-95.

Results from Statistical Materials (Svod Statisticheskikh Materialov) relative to the Con- ditions of the Agricultural Population of European Russia. Issued by the Coinmittee of Ministers. St. Petersburg, 1894.

Review (Obzor) of the Transcaspian Region in 1890. St. Petersburg, 1892.

Review (Obzor) of the activity of the zemstvos concerning the" Petty and Domestic Trades, 1865-97. Edited by the Ministry of Agriculture and Srate Domains. St. Peters- burg, 1897.

Siberia, a book of Reference, edited by the Emigration Committee of the Ministry of Interior. Part I. St. Petersburg. 1897.

Maps of the Gold Mines of Siberia, and the Urals, with Descriptions. Edited by the Mining Department, 1897.

Report and Additional Report of the Minister of Agriculture about his .journey to Siberia. St. Petersburg, 1897.

French, English, 8j-c.

Annuaire des finances russes : budget, credit, commerce, chemins de fer. Par A. Vess6- lovsky, secretaire du comite scientifique du ministere des finances. 8. St. Petersburg.

Premier Reccnsement General de la Population de I'Empire de Russie, 1897. Livraisons 1 and 2. St. Petersburg, 1898.

Tableaux Statistiques du Commerce exterieur de la Russie, 1802-1894. Publics par le Department des Douanes. St. Petersburg, 1896.

Resultats generaux de la recolte de 1895. Publics par Ic Comite Central de Statistiques de Russie. St. Petersburg, 1896.

Handbook of the Russian Troops in Asia, by Major J. W. Murray. Issued by the War Office. 8. London, 1890.— Handbook of the Military Forces of Russia, by Captain W. A. Macbean. Issued by the iTitelligence Division of the War Oflice. London, 1898.

The Industries, Manufactures, and Trade of Russia. Published by the Ministry of Finance for the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Editor of the English translation, J. ]\I. Crawford, United States Consul-General to Russia. Vol. I. and II., Manufactures and Trades; Vol. III., Agriculture and Forestry; Vol. IV., Mining and Afetallurgy ; Vol. V., Siberia and the Great Siberian Railwaj'. St. Petersburg, 1893.

Marine marchand russe. Liste des batiments le 1 Janvier, 1896. Issued by the Depart- ment of Trade. St. Petersburg, 1896.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. 8. London.

Grierson (Captain J. M.), Armed Strength of Russia (with two majis). London, ISSC.

Hertslet (Sir Edward), Foreign Office List. Pu1)lished annually. London, 1894.

Koulibine (S.), Aper^u preliminaire de I'industrie minerale en 1890. St. Petersburg, 1892;

Statistiche Nachrichten liber das Elementar-Schulwesen in Russland im Jahre 1896. St. Petersburg, 1898.

Stati.stik Arsbok for Finland, utg. afStatistiskaCentralbyran. Annual. Helsingfors.

Statesman's Handbook for Russia. Edited by the Chancery of the Committee of Ministers. St. Petersburg, 1896.

Guide des Excursions du VII. Congres geologique international, avec une carte"

g^ologique de la Russie d'Europe, A I'^chelle 1 : 6,300,000. St. Petersburg, 1897.

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