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Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Russia.

1. Official ruBLicATioN.s.


Animal {Pamyatnaya Knijka) odhcMimstry of the Navy for 1894. St. Petersburg.

Annual.s(Freme/i7iifc)of the Central Statistical Coniiiiittee. St. Petersburg, 1878-'J(>.

Collection of Materials {Sbor7iik Svedeniy) for Russia for 1887 and 1888, published by the Central Statistical Coniinittee. St. Petei'sburg, 1891.

Collection of Medical, Sanitary, and Veterinary Laws, published by the Medical Depart- ment of the Ministry of Interior. St. Petersburg, 1890. 3 vols.

Consular Keports, Vol. v. St. Petersburg, 1898.

The Year 1897 with Relation to Agricidture. Also the preceding years. Published by the Department of Agriculture. St. Petersburg, 1898.

Materials for a Statistic to the Empire of Russia. Published by the Statistical Depart- ment of the Ministry of the Interior. 8. St. Petersburg, 1863-97: —

Movement of Population in European Russia in 1891; Prices on Land in 1882-87; The Zemstvos in 1886; Crops of 1889 compared to those of 1883-87; Yearly'Crops, &c.

Report of the Procurator of the Holy Synod for 1892-93. St. Petersburg, 1890.

Statistics of the Landed Property and Inhabited Places of the Russian Emi)ire, with maps, &c. Published by the Statistical Department. St. Petersburg, 1861-80.

The Expenses of the Peasant Communities and Volostes in 1891 (Vremennik, vol. 38). St. Petersburg, 1895.

The Agriculture and Forestry (Selskoye i Lyesnoye Khozyaistvo) of Russia. Published by the Ministry of Agriculture, under V. I. Kovalevsky. St. Petersburg, 1893.

The Crops of 1890 and 1897, by the Central Statistical Committee. St. Petersburg, 1897.

Reports and Researches relative to the Village Industries, published by the Ministry of State Domains. St. Petersburg, 1892-95. 3 vols.

Review of Data {Svod Danny kh) relative to the Manufactures of Russia in 1887-91, and for all subsequent years till 1894 by the Ministry of Finances. St. Petersburg, 1893-97.

Review of the Exterior Trade [Obzor vnyeshnei Torgovli) for 1894, and Exterior Trade on the European Frontier in 1896, published by the Ministry of Finances. St. Petersburg, 1897.

Prix des Marchandises sur Ics principaux Marches de la Russie, pour les annees 1890-96. St. Petersburg, 1897. Published by the Ministry of Finances.

Statistical Annual (Frc?nen?ijfc) of Caucasus. Tiflis, 1895.

Statistical Materials published by the Provincial Statistical Committees

Statistics (Svod Statisticheskikh Svedeniy) relative to the judicial institutions in 1889, St. Petersburg, 1895.

State's Aid to Domestic and Petty Trades in 188S-98. Published by the Ministry of Agriculture. St. Petersburg, 1898.

Yearly Report of the Caucasus Administration about the Schools in 1892. Tiflis, 1894.

Official Messenger, periodical published by the Ministry of Interior.

Vyestnik Finansof, periodical published by the Ministry of Finances.

Sbornik of Materials for the Description of Caucasus and its Inhabitants. Tiflis, 22 parts; best one in 1897.

Kaufmann (Dr.), Financial Statistics of Russia for 1802-84 published by the Central Statistical Committee. St. Petersburg, 1886.

I. Kaufmann. The value of paper money of Russia for the last 50 years (Veksehiyie Kursy Rossii), publ. in Vremennik of the Central Stat. Committee. St. Petersburg, 1892.

The actual Income and Expenditure for 1886-95, in Off. Messenger and Vyestnik Finansof for 1895 and 1896. « s> j

Statistical Reports (Sbornik) of the Ministry of Ways and Cominunicat.io«.s vols. 41 and 42 (Transport of Goods on Railways in 1894; Rivers and Canals in 1893) St. Petersbui-g, 1896. (With maps.)

Reports of the Medical Department for 1892. St. Petersburg, 1896.

Report of the Prison Administration for 1893. St. Petersburg, 1895.

A. Haspuanaud Baron Nolckeii, Law (Pologenie) of the New Organisation of Peasants' Tribunals in the Baltic Provinces, with a Summary of Motives. Published by Ministry of Justice. St. Petersburg. 8. 2 vols. 1889.

Postal and Telegraph Statistics for 1893. St. Petersburg, 1896.

Stati-stics collected by the Zemstvos, being house-to-house inquests covering 123 districts of European Russia, and embodying 2,983,733 households (17,990,317 souls). 1880-94. 450 volumes.

Report of the Finances of the Zemstvos for 1871-80, 1881-83, 1886-87. St. Petersburc 1884-90. ^'

Annual of the Zemstvos for 1868 (Zemskiy EJegodnik). St. Petersburg, 1890.

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