The number of shareholders' companies attained 1,200 in 1892, and their aggregate net protits were 84,941,140 roubles.
In 1896 there were 40 banking companies, 104 societies of mutual credit, and 241 municipal banks. The aggregate assets and liabilities of 38 private banks balanced at 939,272,000 roubles (1,114,639,000 on Jan. 1, 1898); of 98 societies of mutual credit, at 177,556,000 roubles ; and of 238 municipal banks, at 132,525,000 roubles. Total, 1,249,353 roubles.
Money, Weights, and Measures.
The legal unit of money is the silver BouhU of 100 Kopecks. It is of the value of 3s. 2"054d, but in official calculations 6 "40 roubles are taken as equal to the pound sterling.
Gold coins are the tm??cri«Z and half im^fjriaZ of 10 and 5 roubles. The half-imperial weighs 6 '544041 grammes '916 fine, and contains, therefore, 5 '998704 grammes of tine gold. Its value, in paper roubles, for the year
1896, has been settled at 7r, 72c., and 15r. 45c. for the imperial. The new imperial weighs 12 '902 grammes '900 fine, and consequently contains 11*6118 grammes of fine gold. Its value, in paper roubles, has been settled by the Ministry of Finance, for the year 1896, at 15 roubles for the imperial, and 7r. 50c. for the half-imperial. The ratio between gold and paper currency is thus established for the year 1896 at 1^ : 1.
According to the new laws of January 3 (15), and August 2 (Sept. 10),
1897, new gold coins of exactly the same value, weight, and dimensions as the above, will henceforward be coined, bearing the inscription of 15 roubles on the imperial, 7r. 50c. on the half -imperial, and 5 roubles on a new gold coin of this value, and paper money can at any time be exchanged at its nominal value against these gold coins.
The silver rouble weighs 20 '7315 grammes "86806 fine, or (in the new coinage) 19*9957 grammes "900 fine, and consequently contains 17*994 grammes of fine silver. Besides the silver rouble, credit notes (100, 25, 10, 5, 3, and 1 rouble) are legal tender.
Weights and Measures.
1 Ferst {500 saj^nes) . . = 3,500 ft., or two-thirds of a statute
mile (0*6629).
1 S'ajene (3 arshins) . . = 7 feet English.
1 Arshin (16 vershok) . . = 28 inches.
1 Square verst . . . = 0*43941 square mile.
1 Dessiatine . . . . = 2 '69972 English acres.
1 Pound (96 zolotniks-^2 lot) = A of a pound English (0*90283 lb.)
1 Tj J /Af\ j\ r=36 lbs. English.
1 Pood (40 pounds) . . . I ^ Q. 32244 ^.^^
63 Poods =1 ton.
1 Ship Last . . . . = about 2 tons (1*8900). 1 Fedro {8 shtoffs) . . . = 2| imperial gallons (2*707). 1 Tchetvert (8 tchetveriks) . =5*77 imperial bushels, or ^ imperial
quarter (0*72186).
Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.
1. Of Russia in Great Britain. Ambassador. — His Excellency Actual Privy Councillor Georgesde Staal, accredited July 1, 1884.
Councillor of Emhassy. — P. M. Lessar,
First Secretary. — B. Sergueiew.