The statistics of the number of sheep and of the wool clip of the United States are from estimates made by Mr. S. N. 1). North, Secretary of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, and the reports by State authorities and the United States Department of Agriculture. The figures are not claimed to be mathematically accurate, but they are trust- worthy as thoroughly indicative of conditions. WOOL PUODUCT OF THE UNITED STATES, 1S98
States and Territories No. of Sheep, April 1, 1S98 A v' rape Weight Wool W^ashcd and Unwashed I'er cent of Shrink- age Wool Scoured Pout)df^ PduihIx Pound H Maine . 226,851 6 1,361,106 42 789,441 New Hampshire . 74,221 Gk 482 437 55 217,096 Vermont 156,274 7" 1,093 918 57 470,384 Massachusetts 40,31)5 5.V 222 173 42 128,860 Rhode Island 10,564 5i 58 102 42 33,699 Connecticut . 30,265 5^- 166 458 42 95,545 New York 703,254 6" 4,759 524 50 2,379,762 New Jersey . 39,096 5 195 480 47 103.604 Pennsylvania 763,989 5J 4,392 937 52 2,108,620 Delaware 12,479 5 62 395 46 33,693 Maryland 126,619 5 633 095 47 335,540 Virginia 363,813 5 1,819 065 42 1,055,058 North Carolina 273,890 5 1,369 450 43 780,587 South Carolina 66,540 5 332 700 44 ]8i3,312 Georgia . 318,370 4 1,273 480 40 764,088 Florida . 74,159 4 296 636 42 172,049 Alabama 204,001 41 867 004 42 502,862 Mississippi 245,580 4 982 320 42 569,746 Louisiana 116,754 4.\ 525 393 50 262,697 Texas 2,520,068 ^ 16,380 442 70 4,914,133 Arkansas 131,162 4 557 438 42 323,314 Tennessee 309,080 4>, 1,390 860 43 792,790 .West Virginia 422,952 5| 2,326 236 48 1,209,643 Kentucky 617,131 5^ 3,085 655 37 1,943,963 Ohio 2,307,610 ^\ 12,114 953 50 6,057,476 Michigan 1,312,018 4 8,856 122 53 4,162,377 Indiana . 643,810 6 3,862 860 45 2,124,573 Illinois . 583,133 ^ 3,644 582 50 1,822,291 Wisconsin 688,608 4 4,475 952 52 2,148,457 Minnesota 395,535 r 2,768 745 58 1,162,873 Iowa 555,448 H 3,610 412 58 1,516,373 Missouri 629,211 Q 3,775 266 52 1,812,128 Kansas . 220,993 8 1,767 944 67 583,421 Nebraska 258,977 H 2,201 305 69 682,404 South Dakota 343,414 Q 2,060 484 60 824,194 Nortli Dakota 342,793 6 2,056 758 60 822,703 Montana 3,101,497 6.1 20,935 105 62 7,955,340 Wyoming 1,703,338 8 13,626 704 68 4,360,545 Colorado 1,475,388 6] 9,958 809 68 3,186,838 New Mexico . 2,741,871 4i 12,338 420 53 5,799,057 Arizona . 803,822 '1 6,229 621 70 1,868,886 Utah 1,800,396 (j 10,802 376 65