President of the Holy Synod is the Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg.
The fourth board of government is the Coimniltee of Ministers. It consists of all the ministers, who are —
1. The Ministry of the Ivipcrial Hoitsc and Imperial Domains. — General /F. Frrcdcrickz, aide-de-camp of the Emperor; appointed 1898.
2. The Ministry of Foreign ylffairs, Assistant Minister. — Privy Councillor Count Moiiravieff, appointed 1897.
3. The Ministry of War. — Gewava]. Kuroiiaikin, appointed December, 1897.
4. The Ministry of the Navy. — Vice-Admiral Tyrtoff, appointed July 13, 1896.
0. The Ministry of the Interior. — Privy Councillor GorcmyJcin, appointed December 18, 1895.
6. The Ministry of Public Instruction. — M. Bogolepo^ (curator of Moscow), appointed February, 1898.
7 . The Ministry of Finance. — Actual Privy Councillor JVittc, appointed 1 892.
8. The Ministry of Justice. — Privy Councillor N. V. Muravicff^ ap- pointed 1893.
9. Tlie Ministry of Agriculture and State Domains. — Privy Councillor Yermoloff, appointed 1893.
10. The Ministry of Public IVorks and liaihcays. — Privy Councillor, Prince Hilkoff, appointed January, 1895.
11. The Department of General Control, — Actual Privy Councillor Filipoff, appointed Comptroller-General 1889,
12. The Procurator-General of the Holy Synod. — K. P. Pobyedonostscf?'. Besides the Ministers, four Grand Dukes, and six functionaries, chiefly
ex-ministers, form part of the Committee, of which Actual Privy Councillor Diirnovo is President.
Minister and State Secretary for Finland. — Lieutenant-Geueral Bobrikoff.
Most of the above heads of departments have assistant ministers who supply their place on certain occasions. They all communicate directly with the sovereign.
The emperor has two Private Cabinets, one of which is occupied with charitable affairs, and the other is devoted to pul)lic instruction of girls and to the administration of the institutions established by the late Empress ]\Iaria, mother of the Emperor Nicholas I. Besides, there is the Imperial Head- <^iarters (Glavnaya Kvartira), and a Cabinet, which is entrusted also with the reception of petitions presented to the emperor, formerly received by a special Court of liequests (abolished in 1884). According to a law of ^lay 19, 1888, a special Imperial Cabinet having four sections (Administrative, Economical, Agricultural and Manufacturing, and Legislative) has been created, instead of the same departments in the Ministry of Imperial Household. According to the law of ^[ay 22, 1894, a special chief for the protection of the Imperial residences and trains has been appointed under the title of 'General in Service at the Emperor' {Dezhurnyi General), General Aide-dc-Camp Tchcreviii holding this position.
Local Government.
The Empire is divided into general governments, or vice-royalties, governments, and districts. There are at present in European Rus.sia (in- cluding Poland and Finland) 68 governments, with 635 districts {uyezd),
2 otdycls, and 1 okrug, also considered as separate governments. Some of