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Consul- General in London. — J. Iiiman. There is a Consul at Manchester.

2. Of Great Britain in Rumania.

Envoy and Minister. — John G. Kennedy. Appointed to Bucharest, 1897. Vice-Consul. — Hamilton E. Browne.

Co^isul- General at Galatz and Danube Commissioner. — Lieut. -Col. H. Trotter, KE., C.B.

There are Vice-Consuls at Galatz, Ibraila, Kustendjie, and Sulina,

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Rumania.

1. Official Publications.

Comerciul Eomaniei cu Tarile streine in 1897. Published by the Ministry of Finance Bucharest, 1898. '

Lege pentru Organisatea Administrativa, cu tabela Plasilor si Comunelor. 1892. Ministry of the Interior.

Miscarea populatiunei Romaniei pe anii 1886-92. 8 vols. 4. Published by the Statistical Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, &c. Bucharest, 1887-95.

Budgetul General pe 1898-99. 4. Bucharest, 1898.

Buletin Statistic General a Roinauiei. 1892-97. (6 vols.) Bucharest.

Report by Mr. White on the Kingdom of Rouniania, in ' Reports of H.M.'s Diplomatic and Consular Officers.' Part VI. 1883. Folio.

Report by Mr. Drage on Austria-Hungary and the Balkan States, issued by tlie Ro\ al Commission on Labour (c. 7063, xi.) London.

Statistical Roman;!. Bucarest, 1899.

Traites, conventions et arrangements internationaux de la Roumanie, par T. G. Djuvara. Bucharest, 1888.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual series. 8. London.

Handbook of the Armies of the Minor Balkan States. By E. C. Callwell. 8. London, 1891.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom. London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Arion{G. C), La Situation economique et sociale du paysan en Roumanie. 8. Paris. 1895.

Aurelian (P.S.), Tara Noastra, 2nd Edition Bucuresci. 1888.

Bamherg (F.), Geschichte der orientalischen Angelegenheiten. Berlin, 18SS.

jBfJiffcr, Rumjinien, ein Land der Zukunft. Stuttgardt, 1896.

Bergner (R.), Rumiinien. Breslau, 1887.

Blancard i^W). Les Mavroyeni. Paris, 1893.

Cretzulesco (E.), La Rumanie consideree sous le rapport physique, administratif et economique. 8. Bucharest, 1876. (Bulletin de la Soc. de Geographic.)

Crupensld (C.) and Turburi (G.), Asupra Agriculture! Romilniei. Studiu Statistic. 8. Bucliarest, 1895.

E7inel (J. C), Geschichte der Moldau und Walachei. 2 vols. 1804-

(jubcrnalia (Cmutc A. de), La Roumanie et les Roanuiins. Paris, 1898.

Krauss (H.), Bucarest und RumJinien. Leipzig, 1896.

Laveleye (Emile de). The Balkan Peninsula. London, 1887.

Miller (W.)- The Balkans. In " Story of the Nations " series. 8. London, 1896.

ObMhiare (M. G.), La Rumanie economique. Paris, 1876.

Bichard (A. de), La Rumanie a vol d'oiseau. Bucarest, 1895.

Beclus (Elisee), Nouvelle Geographic Univcrsello. Vol. I. Paris.

Roany (L. de), Les populations danubiennes. 4. Paris. 1885.

Saviuelson (James), Rumania, Past and Present. London, 1882.

Sentupery, L'Europe politique et sociale — Rumanie. Paris, 1S95.

LJbjcini (J. H. A.), Les provinces Roumaines. 8. Paris, 185 Dans I'Univers pitto- resque.

7atna«,t(J. A.), La Romanic: histoire, langue, &c. 3 vols. 8. 1845.

Vogel. L'Orient Europeen. 8. Paris.

TFaZfcer (Mrs.), Untrodden Paths in Rumania. 8. London. 1888.

JCcreopol (A. D.), IstoriaRomanilor. 6 vols. 8. Jassy. [An abridged etUtion in French,

2 vols. Paris, 1896.]

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