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There is a standing irregular army in Nepal, with an estimated strength of 25,000. Besides this, a force of 17,000 regulars is stationed in and about the capital. The troops are equipped with Enfield, Snider and Martini-Henry rifles, and there is a limited numl)er of field and mountain guns.

The trade of Nepal with British India during three years ending March 31, 1898, has been as follows (including treasure) : —

1895-96. Rs.

1896-97. Rs.

1897-98. Rs.

Imports from India . Exports to India

13,(523.888 18,336,959

15,307 519 18,930,554

18,288,103 20,565,292

The principal articles of export are cattle, hides and skins, opium and other drugs, gums, resins and dyes, jute, wheat, pulse, rice and other grains, clarified butter, oil seeds, spices, tobacco, timber, saltpetre. The chief imports are cattle, sheep and goats, salt, spices, sugar, tobacco, drugs and dyes, petroleum, leather, brass, iron and copper wares, raw cotton, twist and yarn, silk, cotton and woollen piece goods.

The silver mohar is valued at 6 annas and 8 pies of British Indian currency. Copper pice of varying value are also coined. The Indian rupee passes current throughout Nepal,

British Resident. — Colonel H. Wylie, C,S, I,

Books of Reference.

Aitehison (C. U.) (compiled by), A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sanads relating to India and Neighbi Hiring Countries. Vol. II. Calcutta, 1892,

Bailantine (H.), On India's Frontier. 8. London, 1896.

Hamilton (Francis) (formerly Buchanan), An Account of the Kingdom of Nepil, London, 1819,

Hodgson (B.), Essays on the Languages, Literature, and Religion of Nepaul and Tibet. London, 1874.

Hunter (Sir W. W.) (compiled by), Imperial Gazetteer of India. Vol. X. London, 1886. — Life of Brian Houghton Hodgson, British Resident at Nepal. London, 1S96.

Kirkpatrick (Colonel), An Accoimt of the Kingdom of Nepal. London, 1811.

Oldjield {H. A.), Sketches from Nejmul, Historical and Descriptive. London, 1880.

Vansittart (Captain E.), Notes on Nepal. Calcutta, 1895.

Wheeler (J. Talboys), Short History of India and the Frontier States. London, 1880.

Wright (Dr. D.) (translated by), Histoiy of Nepaul. Cambridge, 1877.

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