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The customs tariff is 6 per cent, ad valorem on all merchandise, with the exception of certain prohibited articles. The exports for 1897 ■were valued at about 50,000/. ; the imports for 1897, exclusive of petroleum and salt, and of 2,500?. worth of grain from Scutari, amounted to about 60,000/. The principal exports are sumach, flea powdei {Pyrethrum roseum), smoked sardines (scoranze), smoked mutton, cattle, sheep, goats, cheese, wool, hides, skins, and furs, honey, beeswax, wood for walking- sticks, &c., olive-oil, wine, tobacco. The imports are salt from Sicily, a Government monopoly yielding 9,500/. a year ; petroleum from Russia, made a Government monopoly in 1896, expected to yield over 1,500Z. a year ; maize, cottons, hardware, sugar, coffee, rice. The trade is mostly with Austria and England.


There are excellent carriage roads from Budua and Cattaro to Cettinje ; from Cettinje by Rieka, near Lake Scutari, to Podgoritza, and to NikSiJ ; also from Podgoritza to Plawnitza (the Scutari-Lake Port of Podgoritza) ; and from Antivari to Vir Pazar on Lake Scutari. A carritige road is being constructed from Podgoritza to Kolaschine. There are public diligences between Cattaro and Cettinje, and between Cettinje, Podgoritza, and Xiksic. There are bridle roads over the rest of the principality. For the construction of roads Austria gives the Principality an annual subvention of 30,000 florins, and for postal diligence service, 8,000 florins. A lake steamer of about 50 tons, belonging to the i\.nglo-]\Iontenegrin Trading Company, plies between Rieka and the town of Scutari. There are 400 miles of telegraph wire in the country, with 15 offices. Montenegro forms part of the Postal Union ; it has 12 post offices.


Montenegro has no coinage of its own ; Austrian paper is the principal medium of exchange. Turkish silver is also current, and French and English gold circulates freely at a rate of exchange fixed from time to time by the Government. There is no bank of any kind in the country.

Bi'ifAsh Minister Resident. — Robert J. Kennedy, C.M.G.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Montenegro.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. No. 1761, 1890, No. 1SS4, 1S'.»7, and 2114, 1898. London.

Andrlc Qil.), Geschichte des Fiirstenthums Montenegro. S. Wien, 1853.

Brown (H. C.), A Winter in Albania. London, 1888.

Caldwell (C. E.), Handbook of the A niies of the Minor Balkan States. Issued by Intelligence Division, War Office. 8. London, 1891.

Coquelle (P.), Histoire dii Montenegro et de la Bosnic. Paris, 1896.

Cozens-Hardy. Montenegro and its Borderlands. Geographical Journal. Vol. IV. 1894.

Denton {Rtiv. William), Montenegro: its Peoide and their History. 8. London, 1877.

Evans (A. J.), lUyrian Letters. 8. London, 1878.

Frilley (G.) and Wlahovitz (Ivan), Lc Montenegro Contcmporain. Paris.

Ifasgeri (C), Reise durch Montenegro. S. Wien, 189.').

2ifo/iI (J. Geo.), Reise nach Montenegro. 2 vols. 8. Dresden, 1851.

Kovalevsky (Egor Petrovich), Montenegro and the Slavonic Countries. (Russia.) S. St. Petersburg, 1872.

Krasinski (Walerjan Skorobohaty), Montenegro and the Slavonians of Turkey. S. London, 1853.

MJ??er(W.), the Balkans. [In ' Story of the Nations ' Series.] S. London, 1896.

Norman (II.), The Near East. London, 1896.

Schivarz (Dr. B.), Montenegro, SchiUlerung einer Reise durch das Innere nebst Entwurf einer Geograi)hie des Landes. 8. Leipzig, 1883.

Sextak (J. F.) and Scherba (F.), Militarische Beschreibung des Paschaliks Herzegovina und des Fiir.stenthums Cernagora. 8. Wien. 1862.

Marnier, Lettres sur I'Adriatique et le Montenegro.

Lenormant, Turcs et Montenegrins

Yriarte (Ch.), Les Bords dc I'Adriatique et le Montenegro.

D'Avril (Baron), La France au Montenegro.

Wingfeld (W. F.), Tour in Dalmatia, &c. London, 1859.

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